'Advent' tagged posts

ADVENT OF LOVE: A New Vespers Service created for St. Mark

Our Music Director Terry Shaw, Trudy Hoy, and Pastor Beth-Utto Galarneau have written a service for St. Mark to use during the Advent season, “The Advent of Love.”  With Terry’s music, Terry’s and Trudy’s words, and Pastor Beth’s liturgy and prayers, we anticipate celebrating the Advent season with this gift, offered in love!  Worship with…

Third Sunday of Advent

Welcome to the Third Sunday in Advent!  Today, PraisRing Bell Choir offers two beautiful anthems.  We light the candle of JOY and give thanks the Lord is near!   Today’s service includes Holy Communion.  Please have your bread and wine ready if you would like to participate.  Welcome to worship!   The service link is…

Second Sunday in Advent

Welcome to worship this morning on the second Sunday in Advent.  The choir sings “An Advent Prayer” and Pastor Beth encourages us to “Prepare the way of the Lord.” The service includes Holy Communion so have your bread and wine ready if you would like to participate. Peace be with you!

Advent/Christmas Season Worship

You are invited to celebrate the Advent and Christmas season at St. Mark! Wednesdays, November 30, December 7, 14 and 21 – Mid-Week Services – Potluck dinner at 5:45pm (bring some food to share!) followed by Holden Vespers at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall Saturday, December 24 – Christmas Eve – Family Candlelight Communion Service…

Fourth Sunday in Advent 2021

Welcome to worship on this Fourth Sunday in the Season of Advent.  We celebrate the baptism of Rylee and join our hearts and voices with Mary as we sing the Magnificat! If you would like to participate in Holy Communion, please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready. God bless you as you…

Third Sunday in Advent

Welcome to worship on the Third Sunday in Advent!  We are thankful you are here!   Welcome to the Third Sunday of Advent! Today, we hear another scripture reading about John the Baptist who is calling us to repentance in preparation for Christ. We sing and rejoice at the coming of the Lord! The bells…

Second Sunday of Advent – 2021

Welcome to worship on the Second Sunday of Advent! This week we light two candles in our Advent wreath and hear John the Baptist’s call to “Prepare the Way of the Lord!” Pastor Beth encourages us to reflect upon what this means for us and our lives. Our service includes Holy Communion. Please have your…

First Sunday of Advent

Welcome to worship! As we light the first candle in our Advent wreath today, Pastor Eric encourages us to wonder:  “For what am I waiting?”  Also, the choir sings two beautiful anthems and sends us out with an Advent Benediction. Please have your bread and wine ready if you would like to share in Holy…