Recent Posts

  • Watchfulness and Response – A Message from Bishop Rick Jaech

    Watchfulness and Response A Message from Bishop Rick Jaech   January 28, 2025   What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)   Dear Members of the Southwestern Washington Synod,   As citizens of the United States and as followers of Christ, …Read More

  • Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

    Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

    Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Meet New Member Mardene Eldred

    I was born and raised in Blackfoot, Idaho on a dairy farm.  I am the oldest and have 3 younger sisters who live in three different states. I married in 1967. I had two kids, a daughter and a son. My daughter, son-in-law, two grandsons and their wives live in Lacey, WA.  My son lives …Read More

  • Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Presiding Bishop Eaton Issues Pastoral Message on Executive Orders

    January 24, 2025 Dear church, On Monday, our nation witnessed the peaceful transfer of power central to our democracy, followed by sweeping actions by the incoming Trump administration. Facing such changes, we receive guidance through Martin Luther’s words in the Large Catechism. In the fourth petition of the Lord’s Prayer, where we pray “Give us …Read More

  • Third Sunday after Epiphany Third Sunday after Epiphany

    Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so. God’s glory is revealed in the reading of scripture. People stand at attention. People weep. People prostrate themselves in prayer. The unity of the church is another reflection of God’s glory. Most gloriously, the …Read More

  • A message from the ELCA Region One Bishops: As Lutherans, we are called to live out the teachings of Jesus Christ, who welcomed strangers and emphasized love, mercy, and justice for all people. We believe that every human being, regardless of their country of origin or legal status, is created in the image of God …Read More

  • Second Sunday after Epiphany

    Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Baptism of Our Lord

    Welcome to today’s service. Wade in the water to remember your baptism! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Meet New Member Dena Budinger

    Dena was born in New Jersey and lived in Hackettstown until she was eleven. She shared that Hackettstown is where M&Ms are made!! Then, she and her Mom, Dad and 5 siblings moved to Glendale, Arizona. While Dena lived in Petersburg, Alaska, she attended Petersburg Lutheran Church for 15 years. She was a member of …Read More

  • Epiphany of Our Lord

    Welcome to today’s service. Let your Light shine as bright as the stars above! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Welcome Mike & Vanessa Olson

    Mike and Vanessa Olson recently became new member of St. Mark and have offered this information as a way to get to know them a bit better. Vanessa was born in Aldershot, Hampshire, England & moved to Seattle at 15 as her dad was contracted to work for Boeing. They were only going to stay …Read More

  • Lessons and Carols

    Welcome to today’s service. The Christ Child is born! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Christmas Eve 10PM

    Welcome to today’s service. Jesus is born today! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Christmas Eve 5PM

    Welcome to today’s service. Spread the cheer! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Fourth Sunday in Advent

    Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • THE ADVENT OF LOVE – Vespers Service + 12/18/2024

    If you were unable to attend, here is the recorded Wednesday Vespers service, “The Advent of Love” featuring the collaborated work of Terry Shaw, Trudy Hoy, and Pastor Beth Utto-Galarneau.

  • Third Sunday in Advent

    Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Second Sunday of Advent

    Welcome to today’s service. Be the blessing of the world! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • First Sunday of Advent

    Welcome to today’s service. Be the first light for those who are searching for it! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • ADVENT OF LOVE: A New Vespers Service created for St. Mark

    Our Music Director Terry Shaw, Trudy Hoy, and Pastor Beth-Utto Galarneau have written a service for St. Mark to use during the Advent season, “The Advent of Love.”  With Terry’s music, Terry’s and Trudy’s words, and Pastor Beth’s liturgy and prayers, we anticipate celebrating the Advent season with this gift, offered in love!  Worship with …Read More

  • Reign of Christ Sunday

    Welcome to today’s service. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 26th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Be the change you wish to see in the world. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 25th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. One penny is equal to how you see it in your hand! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • All Saints Sunday

    Welcome to today’s service. When the Saints come marching in, let them in! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Reformation Sunday

    Welcome to today’s service. Follow Jesus in love and praise! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 22nd Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Be the first responder of God’s love! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 21st Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Love is what it’s all about! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 20th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Love your neighbor! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • New Members Received October 27

    “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the Glory of God.” (Romans 15:7)  For those of you who been visiting our church on Sunday mornings, we’re delighted that you have chosen to worship at St. Mark!  We truly hope you’ve felt welcomed and have been encouraged to grow in God’s love as …Read More

  • Blessing of the Animals

    Next Sunday, October 13, we warmly invite you to bring your beloved pets, cherished stuffed animals, or photos of your favorite animals to our morning worship service for a special Blessing of the Animals.  This cherished tradition is a joyous occasion for animal lovers of all ages and a beautiful way to celebrate and honor the special …Read More

  • 19th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Be the salt of the earth! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 18th Sunday after Pentecost

    Today we hear James warn against selfish ambition, while the disciples quarrel over which one of them is the greatest. Jesus tells them the way to be great is to serve. Then, to make it concrete, he puts in front of them a flesh-and-blood child. We are called to welcome the children God puts in …Read More

  • 17th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Go forth in the path of the righteous! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Harvest Time!

    Many people have been working diligently in the St. Mark Community Garden harvesting fresh produce to be donated to the Thurston County Food Bank. These recent pictures show just some of the bountiful results of the hard work and love put in to tending our community garden. Click on the images to enlarge.

  • Community Garden Reflections

    “If you want a child’s mind to grow, you must first plant a seed.”   The following was written by our St. Mark Office Administrator, Vicki Labensky. This year, members of the Thurston County Food Bank School Gardens AmeriCorps asked the fifth graders at Mountain View Elementary School to reflect on their visits to our St. …Read More

  • 16th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Go out in peace and follow Jesus. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 15th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Follow Jesus into the light of the righteous! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 14th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Praise the Lord with arms out to the heavens! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 13th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Give out to the world what you want to receive back from the Lord! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 12th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. In the box of life, your reflection shines bright in the eyes of God. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 11th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Your light shines bright on the world! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Let the flow of life lead to God and His word! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 9th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Let the Shepherd of Christ guide you as you believe. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.  

  • 8th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Proclaim the Word with praise and let the voice ring! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 7th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Let the light of the Lord shine! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 6th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. You are a beloved child of God! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.  

  • 5th Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. The storm will be calmed by the Lord most high. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Just as a tree, stretch out your limbs and help spread God’s love. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • 3rd Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Enjoy the warm weather ahead and do God’s work! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • St. Mark Community Garden Happenings

    St. Mark Community Garden Happenings The pictures accompanying this article are of last summer during harvest time.  As you can see, many volunteers work in the garden to make it a success!  Potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes are our largest crops but cabbage, squash, celery, broccoli, corn, and cucumbers are also grown and provide a wide …Read More

  • 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

    Welcome to today’s service. Love your neighbor! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • NOTICE: Rock Vespers Time Change

    The June 8th gathering for Rock Vespers at St. Mark Lutheran Church has a time change. Instead of 6:00 pm, it will begin at 7:00 pm. This is a one-time-only schedule change. The times for July 13 and August 10 will remain at 6:00 pm. If you know someone who has been attending this wonderful …Read More

  • Holy Trinity Sunday

    Welcome to worship on Holy Trinity Sunday! We are glad you are here! If you would like to take communion, please have your bread and wine ready. God bless you! Welcome to worship

  • Pentecost Sunday

    Welcome to today’s service. Wear some red today as the spirit eternal fills you with love and grace. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Seventh Sunday of Easter

    Welcome to worship on this 7th Sunday of Easter! if you would like to take communion, please have your bread and wine ready. God bless you!

  • Sixth Sunday of Easter

    Welcome to today’s service. Remember to live out in love! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Fifth Sunday of Easter

    Welcome to today’s service. Bare the fruit to your neighbors with grace and love. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Fourth Sunday of Easter

    Welcome to today’s service. The Lord is our shepherd. If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Third Sunday of Easter

    Welcome to today’s service. Just like the miracle of the fish, God’s love is plentiful and abounding! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Second Sunday of Easter

    Welcome to today’s worship service. I hope you are having an Eggcellent day! If you would like to participate during communion, please have bread and wine ready to do so.

  • Rock Vespers Returns!

    Special Notice! Rock Vespers is back!  This “alternative service” will be offered once a month on the second Saturday in April, May, June, July and August, starting at 6:00 pm. It is almost all music and gives a space for folks who might find spirituality through rock/pop music.  This month, the music of Billy Joel …Read More

  • Easter Sunday

    Welcome to today’s Easter morning service! Alleluia, He is risen! If you would like to participate during communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

  • Easter Message from Bishop Eaton

    An Easter message from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton: