Prayer Request

If you prefer to call, our phone number is 360-491-2052.

You may always send an E-mail to the St Mark office at from outside this website using your usual E-mail sending procedures. Be sure to show a Subject of “Prayer Request”.

If you have a working E-mail program on your computer, you may click here, E-mail, to open it.

If you only use webmail (mail sent from inside your browser) you can use our Contact form at the top of our homepage or HERE. Be sure to show a subject of “Prayer Request”

NOTE: No prayer requests are ever displayed on the website. Your E-mail goes only to the church office where it is reviewed and possibly edited by the office administrator. You may also be phoned for further clarification if necessary. Then and only then the pertinent information from the E-mail will be distributed to the members of the prayer chain list only.

Prayer chain etiquette:

It is obvious that the prayer chain is not a very private way of communicating. The names of individuals and their health or personal situations are described in some manner when the prayer request is sent out.  It is no secret.

But it should still be as private as possible.  Being prayed for by those on the prayer chain should not open one up for group discussion or unwanted questions. So, to clarify, here are a couple of important rules to keep in mind.

  1. Do not discuss the prayer requests that are sent out with other people.
  2. Unless you have a personal relationship with the people/person involved, do not initiate conversation about the prayers with them.  Let them make the decision about with whom they want to discuss these personal matters.
  3. We try to keep the details minimal as not all facts need to be known to be able to lift them up in prayer.  God knows who you are praying for!

Guidelines we try to follow:

  1. Verify that a person actually wants their request on the prayer chain.  (Just because Lois thinks Millie should be prayed for does not mean Millie wants her name or situation publicized.)
  2. We use full names for St. Mark members or individuals who have specifically requested prayers for themselves or people close to them – otherwise we use first names only.
  3. We also try to clarify whether a person wants their prayer request included in the Prayers of the Church on Sunday morning.  Generally, being on the prayer chain includes the Sunday prayers, but we try to remember to ask because occasionally there is a problem.

In summary, all this is about being sensitive to each other and not overstepping boundaries, always a difficult task because my boundary is not necessarily your boundary – and how do I know? Let’s continue to be patient and loving with each other and error on the side of caution – and Grace.