
Nominating Committee

Contact: St Mark Office

The Nominating Committee is responsible for developing lists of nominees for election to the Church Council and other elective church committees.

Financial Planning Committee

Contact: Darrin L

The Financial Planning Committee is responsible for planning and monitoring the financial health of St Mark Church.

Audit Committee

Contact: St Mark Office

The Audit Committee is responsible for auditing the financial records and financial operations of St Mark Church.

Synod Assembly Representatives

Contact: St Mark Office

St Mark sends two representatives to the Synod Assembly each year.

Building & Grounds

Contact: Kevin R

The Building & Grounds committee maintains our buildings and property.  They are also in charge of the bi-annual church clean-ups.

Mission Endowment

Contact: Milt O 

The purpose of the St Mark Mission Endowment Fund is to fund mission work here at home, regionally, and around the world above and beyond programs supported through regular offerings. The Endowment Fund is another form of Christian stewardship and becomes an ongoing legacy that is maintained for providing funds for worthwhile programs. Each year the Endowment Committee allocates 4 to 6 percent of the value of the fund to support projects or programs that may not otherwise be feasible using regular stewardship programs. Contributions can be made to the Endowment Fund at any time by simply designating an amount in Sunday donations; establishing a bequest in one’s will or living trust; or a number of other mechanisms. Anyone wanting more information can contact any member of the Endowment Committee.

Website Committee

The goal of the Website Committee is to enhance communications between St Mark members and to attract new members to our congregation. The focus of the team has been on announcing upcoming events, providing pictures and audios, and reviewing and updating information to keep the website content current and interesting.

Orientation and training meetings can be arranged for specific church groups or even individuals, as this is considered a key communication vehicle for the church.