Worship (Page 49)

More on New Beginnings from Council VP

Good Morning. Last week you had a chance to hear from Vicki P. about New Beginnings for St. Mark. Every day is a New Beginning. With New Beginnings  come New Expectations. What exactly does that look like? Getting involved in the Sunday School Program? Hosting or leading a mid-week Bible study group? Helping those in…

Message From Your Council President Vicki P.

Good Morning, Saturday, Aug 11, Pastor Eric and Pastor Beth, Kerstin, Pam and the church council had the opportunity to meet.  We had great conversation and enjoyed each other’s company. From 9:00 to 1:00 we talked about the past, the present, and the future. We once again tried to answer the million dollar question, where do…

Easter Sunday Happenings

What a joyous morning!  There was an abundance of music with both the Chancel Choir and PraisRing performing.  We also had two trumpets, two trombones, and an electric guitar to accompany all the hymns and perform the prelude and the postlude music.  There was a reaffirmation of baptism and the announcement of several children that were…

Holy Week Activities

“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.” – Martin Luther – The Last Supper, the First Communion. On Maundy Thursday, Jesus gathered with his disciples for what would be his last meal with them before his death. But this meal marked the start of…

Our Lenten Journey — Hunger: Physical and Spiritual

Lent is a time of prayer, service, and self-examination. During this time, many of us choose to live simpler lives, remembering those who do not have the food, money, or resources to simply live. Here at St. Mark we will walk with those who are hungry and living in poverty this Lenten season. Matthew 25:35…


Join us this Sunday – SPORTS SUNDAY –  as we share our joy for JESUS and all things sports-related. Finding yourself in the spiritual neutral zone? Pastor Linda’s locker room sermon will inspire you to move like the offense toward a personal touchdown with God. Forget being on the offending team and be part of…

Advent Is Just Around The Corner

The last line of Christina Rossetti’s 1872 Christmas poem, In the Bleak Midwinter, reads “What can I give Him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb; if I were a wise man I would do my part, yet what I can I give Him, give my heart.” As…

Worship Service Times

The change to winter worship hours occurred on Sept 11, 2011 when Sunday worship changed to 8:30am and 11:00am. The abbreviated version of this schedule appears in the “blue box” on the right of the St Mark homepage. A more complete listing appears on the Worship Service page under the Worship item on the main menu. This…

ELCA Churchwide Assembly – August 15-20, 2011

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will be assembling in Orlando for their 12th Churchwide Assembly, August 15-20, 2011. The assembly provides a marvelous opportunity to affirm our identity as the ELCA and celebrate God’s mission that flows from it. What an opportunity to witness a church that shares a living, daring confidence in…

“Loaves and Fish Offering”

On July 31, the gospel lesson from Matthew 14 was the story of the “Feeding of the Five Thousand. ” During the children’s message, the children were invited to move among the congregation and collect any coins those gathered in worship had on hand to feed the hungry crowd. The congregation was invited to offer any change they had in their…