Worship (Page 48)

Easter Breakfast

Easter Sunday (3/31) Worship at 8:30am and 11:00am with breakfast served between services. Easter breakfast is a wonderful fellowship time and celebration of our Risen Lord! Money raised from this year’s breakfast (goodwill offering) will benefit the Thurston County Food Bank, and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will donate $250 if we can raise $750 at…

Maundy Thursday Reflections

Pastor Eric’s Maundy Thursday sermon centered on Jesus washing the feet of the disciples during the Last Supper.  Jesus performed this act out of love and humility as an example for us all. “So”, Pastor Eric asked us, “what does a foot-washing church look like?”  He outlined three main points: 1.  Extravagant Generosity:  GIVE, GIVE,…

Rich Toward God: Sermon 3 with Andy Stanley

Reflection: Have you ever felt rich? Like when you were a kid and got some money that was yours to do with what you wanted. Margin = Money in the bank with no obligation attached to it. If you have this, you might feel  rich. The key to feeling rich isn’t about making lots of…

Rich Toward God: Sermon 2 with Andy Stanley

Reflection:  In session one, Pastor Stanley shows us that the hallmark of being Christian is extravagant generosity.  In this session, we learn about the dangers and effects of wealth, and the power it has to move us away from God.  We will learn next week that Jesus doesn’t care about the amount you give, but the percentage (session three). Finally, He…

Rich Toward God: Sermon 1 with Andy Stanley

These are the highlights of the 1st of the 4 sermons by Andy Stanley.  They are very engaging, and enlightening!   If you miss one and want to see it, come by the church and watch it mid-week! Reflection:  Pastor Andy Stanley offers us ways to practice being rich,  so that when we become rich…

Rich Toward God: A Stewardship Series with Pastor Andy Stanley

Come to worship January 13,20,27, and February 3 to hear (through video presentation) one of the best preachers in the country share with us a deep, insight-filled understanding of extravagant generosity, “the hallmark of our Christian faith.” Not only will you gain a greater understanding of what it means to be a generous steward of…

Mid-Week Advent Services

Come and join us for a time of prayer and preparation as we lean into anticipation of our Emmanuel being born. We will meet on Wednesdays – December 5, 12, and 19. Potluck dinner will be at 5:45 pm, with prayer and worship to follow at 6:30 pm. We will continue with our tradition of…