We will gather to sing beloved Christmas carols, listen to wonderful scripture lessons of the Christmas season, and celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday, December 29th at 10:00am. (Only one service this Sunday). All are welcome. Please come!
We will gather to sing beloved Christmas carols, listen to wonderful scripture lessons of the Christmas season, and celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday, December 29th at 10:00am. (Only one service this Sunday). All are welcome. Please come!
Come celebrate the Birth of Christ on Christmas Eve! We have two worship services on Wednesday, December 24th. The 5:00pm Candlelight Communion Service is designed especially for families. The children of St. Mark will offer the prelude music beginning at 4:45pm. The 11:00pm Candlelight Communion Service is a more traditional service with the Chancel Choir.…
Sit back and enjoy the Children’s Christmas Program which is titled “Christmas Story: The Birth of Jesus”. This program was featured during the second worship service on Sunday, December 22 at 11:00am. Listen to the readings given by the youth and the cast of thousands of kids singing. Well, OK, it wasn’t really thousands, but…
All are invited to our 5:45pm Wednesday evening Advent Potluck suppers on December 4, 11, and 18 which are followed by our Holden Evening Prayer service at 6:30pm. You are welcome to bring a dish to share as we dine around tables in our parish hall. We remain in the parish hall for Holden Evening…
Last spring, St. Mark was treated to two benefit concerts to help support our five students who attended the Lutheran Summer Music Academy* in Decorah, Iowa this summer. The outpouring of support from the generous people of St. Mark, plus matching funds from Thrivent, added up to roughly $5,700.00! This allowed the students to meet…
Come join us on Sunday, November 3 as we remember and give thanks for all the saints in our lives. During our 8:30 and 11:00 worship services, we will offer special prayers and light candles in thanksgiving for our loved ones. (Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night!) See you on…
How would you respond if you saw a friend struggling and your actions could lessen their burden? Would you hesitate to help? The Gospel (Luke 16:19-31) for Sunday Sept. 29 illustrates the parable that the “poor” (i.e struggling) are lifted up, and the rich one is “sent away empty”. Pastor Beth illustrated this parable with…
Baa! Moo! Woof! Neigh! Meow! In pet language, that means, “Please bring me to church with you on Sunday, October 6th.” Why? We will celebrate St. Francis with the blessing of all creation and our animals at both services (large animals will be blessed between services in the church parking lot). Please be sure your…
Ahoy, mate! The St. Mark Steward-ship is preparing to set sail and preparations are being made for the campaign to launch the great ship “Steward.” Steward-ship Campaign: Sunday, May 12 through June 9, the Steward-ship campaign will feature temple talks, children’s sermons, and sermons to inform, encourage, and prepare us for the launch and voyage…
We have been blessed lately with some wonderful music in worship and through recitals! On May 5, during each service, the Chancel Choir will offer an extraordinary opportunity to hear the story of the Gospels through the narration of Peter – one of Jesus’ disciples. Upon This Rock is a musical cantata that begins with…