Worship (Page 46)

LENT 2014 + Journey to the Cross

Journey to the cross….That you may have life! Ash Wednesday, March 5th begins our 2014 Lenten journey. We know that it is a journey to the cross. We know that on this journey we find life and death and new life. This journey gives our life meaning and purpose. It reminds us of who we…

Expanding Our Circle

When asked to name the biggest problem humans have, Mother Teresa said, “We draw the circle of our family too small. We need to draw it bigger everyday.” Like the ripples formed when a pebble is dropped into a pool, we are asked to open our hearts and widen that circle. We do that by being generous, with…

Back to our Regular Sunday Worship Schedule

This Sunday, we return to our regular worship schedule with services at 8:30 and 11:00am and Sunday School beginning at 9:45 for children and 10:00 for adults.  Come celebrate the Epiphany season and the promise that the light shines in the darkness!

January 5th + The Feast of Epiphany

Come celebrate the Feast of Epiphany on Sunday, January 5th at 10:00am.  Our service includes scripture lessons about “light” and the magi’s visit to young Jesus.  We will sing carols for Epiphany and share in the sacrament of Holy Communion.  Please come!  Remember, there is only one service this Sunday.  Our regular worship schedule and…

Christmas Eve Services

Come celebrate the Birth of Christ on Christmas Eve! We have two worship services on Wednesday, December 24th. The 5:00pm Candlelight Communion Service is designed especially for families. The children of St. Mark will offer the prelude music beginning at 4:45pm. The 11:00pm Candlelight Communion Service is a more traditional service with the Chancel Choir.…

Children’s Christmas Program Audio 2013

Sit back and enjoy the Children’s Christmas Program which is titled “Christmas Story: The Birth of Jesus”. This program was featured during the second worship service on Sunday, December 22 at 11:00am. Listen to the readings given by the youth and the cast of thousands of kids singing. Well, OK, it wasn’t really thousands, but…