Worship (Page 45)

God’s “Miracle Grow”

In this Sunday’s Gospel, 13th chapter of Matthew, Jesus uses the parable of several types of soil: the well traveled path, rocky ground, thorny ground, good soil…and describes how seeds grow in each. Jesus invites us to look at our life, our heart, our soul, our actions, to see how we sow our seeds, and…

Summer Sunday Worship at 10:00am!

Remember, we worship with the celebration of Holy Communion at 10:00am on Sunday mornings during the summer months of July and August.  Sunday School for children and adults resumes with the return to our regular schedule in September–the Sunday after Labor Day weekend.   Hope to see you at St. Mark!

Give Even a Cup of Cold Water

Our artist in residence and retired St Mark pastor, David Nelson, began his sermon by telling us that every creative thing we make is a process.  The end object is a celebration of the process.  The Creation Story, that is represented by the banner now in our worship space, challenges us with four things among…

“Creation” Art

View below 2 slideshows of Creation Artistry by retired pastor David Nelson which has graced our altar wall for the last several weeks. Listen to David’s audio description and inspiration of this Art. Note the duel use of the word “Creation”. The art is about “God’s Creation of the World”, but the art itself is the…

When Jesus Walks With Us

Our Gospel for this third Sunday of Easter, the 24th chapter of Luke, tells of two men walking along their path to a village near Jerusalem. They met a man who asked about the recent crucifixion and resurrection. As they walked along, telling this man the good news, they did not know it was Jesus…

Holy Week Worship Schedule

Please join us for Holy Week worship! April 17th –  Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion –  7 pm. April 18th – Good Friday services  –  noon and 7pm April 20th – Easter Morning Services  –  8:30am and 11:00am Breakfast between services with free-will offering to benefit High School Youth Group. Please bring a fresh…

Palm Sunday Passion Narrative

Many members of the congregation helped bring the dramatic message of Palm Sunday alive at St. Mark. The Passion Narrative, according to the Gospel of Matthew, was presented through responsive readings, special instrumental and vocal music, and our choir singing rounds of “Hosanna, Hosanna!” We all waved palm leaves commemorating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.…

Palm/Passion Sunday

Come celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as we wave palm branches and sing “Hosanna!” this Palm/Passion Sunday, April 13 at 8:30 and 11:00. After the rejoicing with “Hosannas,” the tone of worship changes as we listen and participate in the Passion narrative according to the Gospel of Matthew and feast on the bread of…

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday services at St. Mark are at 12noon and 7:00pm. Both services will include the Imposition of the Ashes and Holy Communion. Come worship and remember that you have your beginning and ending and all of life in between with God.