Worship (Page 36)

Pentecost & Confirmation Sunday

On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is God’s power among us that heals, forgives, inspires, and unites. On this day at St. Mark, five of our students–Aaron, Erin, Hunter, Lisha, and MacKenzie–affirmed their faith and participated in the Rite of Confirmation.  They shared faith reflections, selected all…

Sticks teach us lessons about the church.

This is the Seventh Sunday of Easter and, in John’s Gospel, 17:1-11, Jesus prays to his Father in heaven asking that those who will continue his work will live in Unity. Sticks teach us lessons about the church. We were all given a stick as we entered church and Pastor Beth had two volunteers attempt…

Holy Hilarity Sunday

Be prepared to laugh as Pastor Beth tells some interesting ‘stories’ on this Second Sunday of Easter. This Sunday is known by many different names in different congregations, such as Low Sunday because, after the church being full on Easter Sunday, attendance is lower today. It is also known as Doubting Thomas Sunday because of…

Passion/Palm Sunday

Today’s worship included an extended reading from the Gospel of Matthew.  Our service began with a palm procession commemorating Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  The tone of the service changed quickly as we meditated upon Jesus’ passion and death. This story is central to our faith. Today we remember how Christ offered his life for…

Baptism is for us again and again.

Matthew’s Gospel tells the story of Jesus going into the desert where he fasted for forty days and nights. The devil appeared to him and tempted Jesus a number of times but Jesus rebuffed him every time. Pastor Eric told us that Baptism is for us again and again. Jesus experienced temptation the same as…

Today’s Gospel is about lifting people up.

Today’s Gospel is the 17th chapter of Matthew in which Jesus takes three Disciples, Peter, James and John, up on a mountain and there Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke with Jesus. When the voice of God came from the heavens, the Disciples became afraid but Jesus calmed them with his own words. Pastor Eric…

Love and Logic Parenting.

Love and Logic Parenting. A way of empowering and guiding children to make good choices. They learn the consequences of those choices that they make. Moses was using Love and Logic when he was talking to his people explaining the joys and struggles of being God’s people. The Ten Commandments were given to guide their…