Worship (Page 35)

Fruits of the Kingdom

Today’s Gospel, Matthew 21:33-46, recounts Jesus’ parable of the landowner who sent slaves to collect produce from his vineyard. The tenants beat and killed the slaves. The landowner then sent his son to collect the produce, thinking the tenants would surely respect him.  They killed him as well, with a plan to steal his inheritance.…

Blessing of the Animals 2017

Born into the family of a wealthy merchant, Francis gave up his inheritance to serve poor people. He formed the Order of Friars Minor (called Franciscans), who took on poverty and the task of preaching “using words if necessary.” Francis had a spirit of gratitude for all of God’s creation. We celebrated St. Francis and…

Safi Sunday

Today was the 17th Sunday after Pentecost and Safi Sunday. In the first reading of today, Philippians 2:1-13, Paul urges us to look to Christ as a model of humility, looking to the interests of others above our own. Safi School Project is a non-profit organization with the mission of empowering and improving the lives…

That’s not fair!’

That’s not fair!’….we all want things to be fair and all of today’s lessons speak to this on the 16th Sunday after Pentecost. Pastor Beth asked us if we knew what is God concerned about. 1. G-Generosity-how we live out our lives. 2. R-Relationships-God seeks reconciliation between each of us. 3. A-Attitude-impacts everything. 4. C-Community-to…

Love Builds Bridges Not Walls

Our Children’s Time talk this morning was a wonderful story about two brothers who due to a disagreement decide to build a wall between their adjoining properties. Listen to the audio below of this tale as the intervention of a third party changes the construction from a wall to a bridge and the impact that…

The Weakest Link

Today is the 14th Sunday after Pentecost and today’s gospel, Matthew 18:15-20, talks of situations having to do with church discipline. Pastor Beth asked us if we remembered a TV game show called: The Weakest Link Contestants were voted off the show one by one as they were selected by the other contestants and had…

ELCA Presiding Bishop Responds to DACA Announcement

CHICAGO (Sept. 4, 2017) – The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), has issued the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s announcement about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. “As we journey together through the time God has given us, may God give…

Fall Worship Schedule

Fall Worship Schedule begins Sunday (Sept 10). 8:30am & 11:00am worship (Communion served at both services) We will celebrate the beginning of a new program year with a POTLUCK BRUNCH between services. Please bring a dish to share if you can. Help needed to set up and clean up afterwards. (Sign up sheet is posted…

Love is resurrection.

Today’s Gospel is by Matthew, the 13th chapter, in which the story of the mustard seed parable is told. Jesus told the crowds many parables. The word parable means to throw aside. These were stories that Jesus threw out to his followers. They were often a mystery that wove the crowds into and then out…