Worship (Page 33)

As We Begin Holy Week…

Each year, we begin Holy Week by waving palms and exclaiming, “Hosanna in the highest!” We remember Christ’s journey to the cross so that we may have life. Today, on Palm Sunday, we heard Mark’s passion story told through song and scripture readings. Members of our congregation inserted narrative while playing the parts of the characters…

Lenten Banners Slideshow

A series of Lenten banners have been appearing on our back wall behind the altar over the course of the Sundays of Lent and for the Wednesday Lenten services. These wonderful artistic images on banners are the creation of Josh E. We have a long history at St Mark of seeing both artistic banners and…

Third Sunday in Lent

John 2:13-22, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” Jesus drives the money changers and people selling doves sheep and cattle out of the temple. Pastor Eric told us that stories are memory devices and so are songs and sayings. There are thousands of songs about Love. There are sayings that we have heard over…

Baptism Wilderness Proclamation

Today was the First Sunday in Lent. Pastor Eric said that, sometimes in life, we need to remember the big picture and that is what today’s text is all about. We are divinely endorsed creatures of God, who are gloriously and curiously, broken and beloved, forgiven appendages of God. But, who are we? What are…

He will make them fish for people.

The Third Sunday after Epiphany’s Gospel is from Mark1:14-20 in which Jesus, who comes upon some men fishing, gathers more followers by saying that He will make them fish for people. Pastor Eric, with his fishing tackle box, talked of how different lures trick different fish to bite the fishing hook. Jesus did not trick…

Can anything good come out of Nazareth?

Today’s Gospel is from John, Chapter 1. Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Pastor Eric drew our attention to two phrases from it: The word ‘found’, which comes from the Greek word eureka, and ‘heavens are open’. He asked us what is something we have found in our life after sharing an example of…

Endings and Beginnings

On the last day of the year, we celebrated together the end of 2017 and the anticipation of the new year.  As we “meditate on endings and beginnings, we watch and keep vigil for the coming of God’s justice”. Our scripture lessons for the service reminded us of the light that Jesus’s birth brings to…

St Mark Christmas Eve Music

The St Mark Chancel Choir and St Mark Bell Choir provided the following Music for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. For those of you who were unable to attend this 10PM service (or just want to listen to it again), the audio of these numbers was recorded and is provided below. (The gospel and sermon…

Christ’s Light Shines

Tonight, we heard the glorious story of Jesus’ birth, as we gathered on Christmas Eve for our traditional candle light service. We were reminded that Jesus was not only born in Bethlehem, but he is born among us, again and again and again. His light reaches us in the darkest corners of our lives, and…