Worship (Page 31)

Good Friday – April 19, 2019

On this day we take time to hear the Passion of our Lord as recorded in the Gospel of John.   As we hear the story of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion, candles are extinguished as the sanctuary becomes increasingly dark. So then, why do we call it “Good” Friday?  When Jesus proclaims, “It is finished!”, we…

Maundy Thursday, April 18

April 18th was Maundy Thursday.  This night receives its name from Jesus’ mandate, or command, that we love one another.  On this day, we gather to remember the final night Jesus shared with his disciples.  Together, they broke bread. While they were eating, Jesus washed his disciples feet as a gesture of deep love and…

St. Mark Christmas Kids

On December 23, the 4th Sunday of Advent, our St. Mark Sunday School students led worship by reading scriptures, offering prayers, providing special music and serving communion. To augment the scriptures, the story of the birth of Jesus was portrayed by the students in costume on a big screen slideshow. Pastor Beth created the program…

Christmas Schedule 2018

Sunday, December 23 – Sunday School Christmas Program On this Sunday, our children and youth will lead us in worship at both services (8:30 am and 11:00 am) celebrating “The Advent of Love”. Come hear the Christmas story and sing many of your favorite carols. Monday, December 24 – Christmas Eve 5:00 pm – Family…

Blessing of the Animals – All New 2018 Pictures

A “Blessings of the Animals” ceremony took place at both services at St Mark Lutheran Church on Oct 14, 2018. Check out below, the gallery of pictures of our many animal friends who attended these services this year and the Litany which was read at the services. Litany of Thanksgiving for Animals and Creation Gracious…

Blessing of the Animals 2018

Baa! Moo! Woof! Neigh! Meow! In pet language, that means, “Please bring me to church with you on Sunday, October 14th.” Why? We will celebrate St. Francis with the blessing of all creation and our animals at both services.  Large animals (horses, cows, etc.) will be blessed between services in the church parking lot. Please…

Welcome Home

A summary of the Welcome Home worship as the pastors return from their sabbatical is presented below.     Audio of “What Makes Your heart Sing” sung by congregation. Audio of Litany written by and read by Pastor David, Poem “Sabbatical Report” written by and read by Pastor David, and Welcome Home ceremony read by…

Foods for the journey of our lives.

On this 12th Sunday after Pentecost, John 6:35,41-51 is today’s Gospel. After feeding more than five thousand people in the wilderness, Jesus teaches them regarding the true significance of this remarkable sign. Pastor David Nelson said that today’s lessons ask us to recall and remember foods for the journey of our lives. Jesus is the…

Sometimes, you need the whole story.

Sometimes, you need the whole story. Mark’s gospels are kind of like a detective story with everything pointing to the Cross. Today was Mark 6:14-29 telling of the beheading of John the Baptist. All sorrows can be bourn if you put them into a story. Retired Pastor David Nelson said he wonders if this is…