Worship (Page 29)

Sunday, March 22, 2020 – A Worshipful Experience

Dear Friends, Please use the link below to enjoy a “worshipful experience” created for you by Pastor Beth.  It is about 12 minutes long.  You can read the Gospel Lesson before viewing:  John 9:1-41.  Many thanks to John Martin, Terry Shaw, and Isaiah Utto-Galarneau for their musical offerings.  This is a way for us to…

The Labyrinth is Open

On these gloriously sunny days, if you want to practice spiritual nurture (and promise to practice social distancing as well), the St. Mark labyrinth is open for prayerful meditation. The labyrinth is located between the sanctuary and the educational wing with an entrance from the side parking lot. (The church building unfortunately is closed due…

St. Patrick’s Day Prayer

Dear friends, On St. Patrick’s Day, I encourage you to go outside and take a walk this afternoon or evening. Use this prayer attributed to St. Patrick as your guide.  Breathe deep as you step into the next moment and pray: Christ with me Christ before me Christ behind me Christ in me Christ beneath…

A Prayer for the Close of the Day

  Please offer this prayer as often as needed to center you in God’s grace. Lord it is night. The night is for stillness. Let us be still in the presence of God. It is night after a long day. What has been done has been done; what has not been done has not been…

Sunday afternoon thoughts from Pastor Beth….

Dear friends, I missed worshiping together today.  Eric and I hold you in our thoughts and prayers. We are working on ways to stay connected with you.  We will be in touch in the next several days about those sorts of things. So, now, I am just going to say it.  This is weird.  This…

Readings & Gospel for 3-15-2020 – 3rd Sunday in Lent

First Reading Exodus 17:1-7 1From the wilderness of Sin the whole congregation of the Israelites journeyed by stages, as the LORD commanded. They camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink. 2The people quarreled with Moses, and said, “Give us water to drink.” Moses said to them, “Why do you quarrel…

Be the Light

On this First Sunday of Christmas, our service was filled with Lessons and Carols that told the story of the birth of Christ Jesus through scripture readings and music. We lifted our voices to celebrate the fulfillment of what was spoken through the angel Gabriel, whose image was presented on the altar wall for all…

Full Audio of Christmas Eve Service 2019

For those of you who may have missed our Christmas Eve Services, here is the Audio of the complete service, including all music and all readings. The audio runs through to the final dismissal “Go in peace. Be kind. Share the good news – Christ is born! Thanks be to God!” Be patient as you…

Christmas 2019 Children’s Program

The Children’s Christmas Program was presented during the 4th Sunday of Advent Worship Service. The 22 minute Program was well done and well received by the congregation. Check out the picture above to see the youth and adult helpers presenting their Program. Check out the audio below to hear the entire Program.


Today (12/8/2019) marks the unveiling of the new “Chrismon” Christmas Tree ornaments here at St Mark. St Mark has previously been using “Chrismons” which were several decades old, dilapidated, and sorely in need of replacement. “Chrismons” are handmade by St Mark members. Listen to the audios below to find out more about what “Chrismons” are,…