Worship (Page 24)

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Welcome to worship on this Fourth Sunday in the season of Lent!  We are thankful you are here.  This morning we hear the beloved words from the third chapter of the Gospel of John:  “For God so loved the world…”   We are reminded of God’s great love for us for the whole world. This morning…

Third Sunday in Lent

Welcome to worship!  As Jesus over turned the tables of the money changers in the temple, he continues to over turn whatever keeps us separated from God’s love in all it’s fullness. After the suicide death of friends’ teenage son, Pastor Beth talks about the impact of the pandemic on feelings of depression and discouragement…

Second Sunday of Lent

Welcome to worship on this Second Sunday of Lent!  We are reminded to take up our cross and follow Jesus.  We are blessed to hear a thoughtful sermon from our Bishop Rick Jaech.  You may not look at a pomegranate in the same way after listening!  Today we celebrate Holy Communion. Please have bread and…

First Sunday in Lent

Welcome to worship on this First Sunday in Lent.  Life can feel a bit like a wilderness. We pray this worship will offer you rest and sustenance on the way! The service includes Holy Communion.  Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate.

Transfiguration Sunday + February 14, 2021

God bless you as you worship on this Trans-figuration Sunday!  As Jesus transformed before his disciples, they were invited into the joy and wonder of God’s presence.  May you experience this joy and wonder in your lives! Today’s service includes Holy Communion.  Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would…

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Worship

Welcome to the 5th Sunday after Epiphany! Worship includes the celebration of Holy Communion. If you would like to participate in this sacred meal, have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready. God bless you as you worship. With great love, Jesus is reaching out to you, ready to lift you into hope, where…

Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

Welcome to worship this Sunday morning! We are thankful you are here! We apologize for the grainy appearance of today’s worship video. After multiple attempts, we were unable to fix it before Sunday morning.  (It has that “old school VHS” feel). If you would like to pariticipate in communion, we invite you to have bread…

Third Sunday in Epiphany

Welcome to worship on this Third Sunday of Epiphany!  We rejoice over the gift of Holy Baptism!  We give thanks for Bishop Rick Jaech’s sermon on what it means to follow Jesus today.  We invite you to celebrate the gift of Holy Communion.  Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready. God bless…

Second Sunday of Epiphany

Welcome to worship today!  On this Second Sunday of Epiphany, we hear Jesus invite disciples of every time and place,  “Follow Me.”  Philip also invites us to “Come and See.”  We gather to see Jesus and the love of God reveal to and through us.  This love makes a difference! Today’s service includes the celebration…

Baptism of Jesus – Sunday, January 10, 2021

Welcome to worship on this Sunday morning! Remember your baptism! That’s the theme today. We live in a place with an abundance of opportunities to feel God’s presence everyday with this sacramental gift- ordinary things infused with the divine. Today we learn that Jesus baptizes the water. It becomes Sacred, God’s grace poured out for…