Worship (Page 19)

Fourth Sunday in Advent 2021

Welcome to worship on this Fourth Sunday in the Season of Advent.  We celebrate the baptism of Rylee and join our hearts and voices with Mary as we sing the Magnificat! If you would like to participate in Holy Communion, please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready. God bless you as you…

Third Sunday in Advent

Welcome to worship on the Third Sunday in Advent!  We are thankful you are here!   Welcome to the Third Sunday of Advent! Today, we hear another scripture reading about John the Baptist who is calling us to repentance in preparation for Christ. We sing and rejoice at the coming of the Lord! The bells…

Second Sunday of Advent – 2021

Welcome to worship on the Second Sunday of Advent! This week we light two candles in our Advent wreath and hear John the Baptist’s call to “Prepare the Way of the Lord!” Pastor Beth encourages us to reflect upon what this means for us and our lives. Our service includes Holy Communion. Please have your…

First Sunday of Advent

Welcome to worship! As we light the first candle in our Advent wreath today, Pastor Eric encourages us to wonder:  “For what am I waiting?”  Also, the choir sings two beautiful anthems and sends us out with an Advent Benediction. Please have your bread and wine ready if you would like to share in Holy…

Christ the King Sunday

Welcome to worship on Christ the King Sunday!  We had wonderful music this morning from 4 students representing the Music Department at Pacific Lutheran University–Benjamin Martin-saxophone, Felix Halvorson-guitar, Josh Hansel-drums, and Josh Green-bass.  Listen to Pastor Eric’s sermon and reflect on what it means that Christ is King in your life!    If you would…

25th Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to worship today!  The Chancel Choir sings a beautiful spiritual, “Hold Me, Rock Me” and PraisRing Bell Choir offers the spectacular anthem, “Grazioso.”  Pastor Beth preaches on Jesus’ teachings about end times.  Please have your bread and wine ready and join us for Holy Communion .  God bless you as you worship!    …

All Saints Sunday

Welcome to worship on this All Saints Sunday!  Today we light candles to remember and give thanks for all the Saints in our lives. We hear the promise from Revelation of a new heaven and new earth where there is no more death, crying or pain.  Yet we recognize that time is not yet. Pastor…

Reformation Sunday Worship

Welcome to worship on this Reformation Sunday!  We are thankful you are here!  The Chancel Choir sings a lively anthem and Pastor Eric preaches a thought provoking sermon. If you would like to participate in Holy Communion, please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready. God bless you as you worship today.  

Animals are Blessed! 2021

Once again, our St. Mark traditional Blessing of the Animals was held on Sunday the 3rd of October. In celebrating our beloved pets, we mark this day in honor of the great peacemaker and lover of all creation, St. Francis of Assisi. Click on the images to enlarge.