Worship (Page 16)

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to today’s service! If you would like to join in on communion, please have your wine and bread ready. We also celebrate the baptism of Emilie Marie Neely, Makena Irene and Alena Lynn Neely-Turran which happened on Thursday.

Third Sunday in Pentecost

Welcome to today’s service. On this warm summer day we learn how to bee 😉 connected with Jesus and one another. If you would like to join in on communion, please have wine and bread ready to do so.

2nd Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to today’s service. Thank you to Carol Schneider and Vicki Labensky for filling in the role as the worship leaders. We are very thankful for you both! If you would like to join in for communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.  

Holy Trinity

Welcome to Holy Trinity Sunday! Many thanks to Pastor Matt March for doing pulpit supply today and to PraisRing for offering special music! We are thankful you are here!

Pentecost Sunday

Welcome to this week’s service. We gather today to learn about how the wind may guide us in our journey to spread love and the teachings of Jesus. If you wish to participate in communion please have your wine and bread ready to do so.