Worship (Page 14)

23rd Sunday of Pentecost + November 13, 2022

Welcome to worship on the 23rd Sunday of Pentecost where we also celebrate the baptism of little James!  PraisRing Bell Choir offers two beautiful pieces.  The chancel choir sings a moving anthem and sends us out with a choral blessing, but not before Pastor Eric encourages us to sing a new song! This service includes…

All Saints Sunday

Welcome to today’s service. In worship today we give thanks for all the saints who from their labors rest. If you would like to join during communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.

Reformation Sunday

Welcome to today’s service. I hope you are wearing red because today is Reformation Sunday! If you would like to join during the time of communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.  Today’s service includes a bless of the St  Mark quilts which will be sent to Lutheran World Relief.  …

15th Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to this Sunday’s service. We give special thanks to Pastor Linda Milks for coming in as our guest pastor. If you would like to join during communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.