Worship (Page 10)

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to today’s service. Please join us as the Women’s Group chorus begins the service with wonderful sounds of praise. If you would like to participate during communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to today’s service. Please send prayers of strength + recovery to Terry Shaw as he leaves for surgery. If you would like to participate during communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.

Holy Trinity Sunday

Welcome to today’s service. Please welcome Pastor David Nelson as guest pastor today. If you would like to participate during communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.

Pentecost Sunday

Welcome to today’s service. Wear something red for it is Pentecost Sunday! If you would like to participate during communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.

Seventh Sunday after Easter

Welcome to today’s service. Please welcome Matt March, the guest pastor for Pastors Beth and Eric as they are on sabbatical. If you would like to participate during communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Welcome to today’s service. Please join us as we send our prayers and love to Pastors Beth and Eric as they leave for their sabbatical. If you would like to participate during communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.