Special Notices (Page 7)

Adult Sunday School: “Animate-Practices”

Another popular and engaging class is coming to the Lounge! Animate: Practices is a brand new, seven-session adult introduction to the central practices of the Christian faith. Each week we will have a lively DVD presenter speaking on prayer, food, worship, sacraments, money, service, and community. We will have great conversation, and be given opportunities…

Palm/Passion Sunday

Come celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as we wave palm branches and sing “Hosanna!” this Palm/Passion Sunday, April 13 at 8:30 and 11:00. After the rejoicing with “Hosannas,” the tone of worship changes as we listen and participate in the Passion narrative according to the Gospel of Matthew and feast on the bread of…

LENT 2014 + Journey to the Cross

Journey to the cross….That you may have life! Ash Wednesday, March 5th begins our 2014 Lenten journey. We know that it is a journey to the cross. We know that on this journey we find life and death and new life. This journey gives our life meaning and purpose. It reminds us of who we…