Special Notices (Page 5)

Spending Plan Meetings

Discussions continue about the 2018 Spending Plan (Budget). Pastor Eric, Jenny Bona, and Carol Porter led the discussion on October 22 and they will again lead a similar discussion this Sunday, October 29 between services. Important decisions have to be made for St. Mark’s mission/ministry support and benevolence giving in 2018. Make sure you have…

New Musical “TENTS”

This Sunday during both services at St. Mark we were joined by Jennifer Shaw, Randee Wilhelm and Karen Gheorghiu, who sang two original songs from the new musical written by our very own Terry Shaw, St. Mark Music Director. These women share the stage with five men to tell a “story of stories”. TENTS invites…

Reformation Sunday, October 30th

On Sunday, October 30th, we are celebrating Reformation Sunday.  We give thanks that we are part of a “reforming” church that continually seeks to be faithful to how the Spirit is at work in this time and place, shaping us to be the Body of Christ.  On this day you are encouraged to wear RED as…


Spiders, bats, black cats and more… Let’s see what St. Mark Boo-unco has in store! Everyone, the young and not so young, are welcome to a frightfully fun evening of Bunco on Sunday, October 30th from 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall.  Bunco is a dice game that can be played by people of all ages.…

Breathe Deep

On Sunday, October 9th, during our 8:30 worship service, the debut of a new, original song, “Breathe Deep,” written by Trudy Hoy (lyrics) and Terry Shaw (music) was performed by our Chancel Choir.  What an amazing gift!  Thank  you Trudy and Terry for putting a beautiful song in our hearts! (Soloists were Dave E. and…

St. Mark Annual Meeting – June 12th

The Annual Meeting of St. Mark Lutheran Church will be held on Sunday, June 12th following our one service at 10:00am.  The meeting will be held in the sanctuary.  Congregational reports have been emailed and are also available in advance in the church office.  Additional copies can be picked up on Sunday morning.   We…

Grace Gathering – A Message from the ELCA

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The “Grace Gathering” will be held in partnership with the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in New Orleans Aug. 10-13, 2016. Reserve your spot today! The gathering will bring people together from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Participants will see the church in action, worship with Churchwide Assembly…