Sermons (Page 62)

Angels Among Us!

How would you respond if you saw a friend struggling and your actions could lessen their burden? Would you hesitate to help? The Gospel (Luke 16:19-31) for Sunday Sept. 29 illustrates the parable that the “poor” (i.e struggling) are lifted up, and the rich one is “sent away empty”. Pastor Beth illustrated this parable with…

Jesus Summons Us. Sermon Summary for 9/22

Summons. The dictionary defines summons as “to authoritatively and urgently be called upon to be present”. The Greek translation is, “to remind privately”. In his sermon, Pastor Eric used parables from Luke to illustrate the message that Jesus teaches us, more so convinces us, to follow him. The business owner summons his dishonest manager; the…

We are called to be Christ in this world

Listen to Pastor Beth’s sermon which she ends with a writing of St. Teresa of Avila.  Although she was a 16th century Carmelite nun, her words are as relevant today as they were then. Christ has no body but yours. No hands, no feet upon this world but yours. Yours are the eyes which look…