Sermons (Page 61)

Prepare Your Heart For Christmas

On the Second Sunday of Advent, we hear how Matthew shares the story of John the Baptist telling the people to be baptized; that he was baptizing with water for repentance; but one who was more powerful than he was coming after him. Pastor Beth asks us, as we prepare our hearts for Christmas, to…

Hope for the World

As we begin the season of Advent, Matthew tells us, in his gospel, to put on the armor of light….keep awake…be ready.. because no one knows when the coming of the Lord will happen. Pastor Eric reminds us that we know the story and start at the end to get to the beginning of Hope…

Jesus & Puppies Understand

Do you have someone in your life who understands? On Christ The King Sunday, the last Sunday of the church year, Pastor Beth recounts a story of a man who responds to a “Puppies For Sale” sign to illustrate a surprising lesson of understanding. We all need someone in life who understands. Jesus, our Christ…

It’s All About The Easy Stuff

We often get caught up in the complex things that come into our lives; hurricanes, personal loss, and, as Luke describes, huge temples that get knocked down. But Pastor Eric reminded us in Sunday’s sermon that when we get caught up in the hard stuff, the easy stuff gets left behind. So what is the “easy…

God Will Never Let Us Go

Which is heavier? A pound of chocolate or a pound of sand? That’s a trick question but a fun one. The Sadducees were not trying to be funny when they questioned Jesus concerning whose wife a multi married woman would be in the resurrection. They were attempting to trap and discredit Jesus because the Sadducees…

The Four Horsemen of GRACE (or the 4 Un’s)

Pastor Eric’s sermon described what he called the Four Horsemen of GRACE – or the 4 Un’s: 1.  Grace is Unrelenting!   If you have ever had a dog who played ‘Fetch’ you know that sometimes they have a very hard time letting go of the ball or the toy.  God is like that with…

Even Pastors can get grumpy! Sermon October 20, 2013

Pastor Eric, without his robe and in a wrinkled shirt,  looked on the outside how he was feeling on the inside – grumpy!  Our congregation has been trying to figure out how to help children at Mountain View Elementary stay “Safe and Warm” when they arrive at school long before the doors are open.  We…

Life is a Gift

Today’s gospel is from Luke where Luke tells the story of Jesus healing ten lepers and only one thanking Jesus for making him well. Just as the leper was changed, healed, and made clean, gratitude changes our life. Gratitude for the Grace that God gives us each and every day. Each day, finding one thing…

Faith Is Not About You!

Faith is not about you…it is about what God does through you! Faith is about doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways! Faith is not about being super human but about being fully human! Do you ever hear a bible reading and wonder the context and tone of voice in which it was originally delivered? Click…