Sermons (Page 57)

Parable of wheat & weeds & how to take care of either.

Jesus told parables and allegorical interpretations of these parables became popular for a long time, but not for hundreds of years.

Matthew’s gospel today talks about the conflict of good and evil but uses the parable of wheat and weeds and how to take care of either.

(Ret.) Pastor David Nelson explained how those of us that believe in God have a hard time explaining the present day mess of our world.
God asks us to tolerate a mixed field of wheat and weeds.
The best and only solution to evil is God in reconciliation of the world through unshielded Love for each other.

God’s “Miracle Grow”

In this Sunday’s Gospel, 13th chapter of Matthew, Jesus uses the parable of several types of soil: the well traveled path, rocky ground, thorny ground, good soil…and describes how seeds grow in each. Jesus invites us to look at our life, our heart, our soul, our actions, to see how we sow our seeds, and…

Generosity – A Heart Opened Up

The mystery of God’s ways is sometimes hidden from us but God’s Grace is always generously given to us. Pastor Eric told us that our heart is softened, opened up, when we know God’s Grace. The bottom line is all about generosity:  time, gifts (such as music or any other art form) and money. There…

Give Even a Cup of Cold Water

Our artist in residence and retired St Mark pastor, David Nelson, began his sermon by telling us that every creative thing we make is a process.  The end object is a celebration of the process.  The Creation Story, that is represented by the banner now in our worship space, challenges us with four things among…

“Creation” Art

View below 2 slideshows of Creation Artistry by retired pastor David Nelson which has graced our altar wall for the last several weeks. Listen to David’s audio description and inspiration of this Art. Note the duel use of the word “Creation”. The art is about “God’s Creation of the World”, but the art itself is the…

Compassion and Grace Trumps Division

The 2nd Sunday after Pentecost brings us Matthew’s gospel 10:24-39 in which Jesus warns his disciples that their ministry in his name will meet with opposition, requiring absolute trust in God and an unswerving commitment to their Lord. So, is this true in our lifetime? Pastor Beth reminded us that Jesus promised his followers (that means…

Jesus Talks with His Father

On this Seventh Sunday of Easter, in these days between Ascension and Pentecost, we hear John’s gospel, 17:1-11, and may wonder what John is talking about. Pastor Eric gave us the ‘tool’ to untangle Jesus’  ‘conversation’ with His Father in heaven concerning His ‘church’ when Jesus talks to His Father and says: “And now I…

Who Are You?

As Pentecost draws near, we are reminded that the risen Christ dwells in us as the Spirit of truth. Who are you?  How do you identify yourself? Your name?  Your occupation?  Your role?  How else? Pastor Beth reminded us that throughout our life we are often asked this question.  The three scripture lessons of today,…

Jesus Says “Know Me”

Jesus said to his followers I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Ask in my name and it will happen.  Jesus’s name matters. You will always have a place with me. I am the way. Pastor Eric gave us examples of what Jesus meant 2,000 years ago and how it is…

The Good Shepherd

Today is sometimes called “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Jesus is called the “gate” of the sheep in today’s gospel, John 10:1-10. Pastor Beth offered us two stories concerning who goes to heaven or hell and how they get there. So many people are outside of the church longing for love and community, but they are hesitant…