Sermons (Page 47)

Jesus, Just Say the Word!

The Gospel from Luke was a healing story where a centurion asks Jesus to cure his sick slave.  He tells Jesus that he does not have to come to his home, but just “speak the word and my servant will be healed.”  Jesus was amazed at the centurion’s faith, and told the crowd, “I tell…

Our Father’s World

On this Holy Trinity Sunday, our St. Mark Bell Choir used their music to illustrate “My Father’s World”. Alternately, the Lector read the scriptures and PraiseRing played their hand bells and special instruments to portray Wind, Rain, Stars, Tempest and an Epilogue. Together, they helped us experience God’s world through the Word and sounds…”the wind blows where it…

Confirmation Sunday

On this Day of Pentecost, we celebrated Confirmation Sunday at our 11:00 service.  As we give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit, we also give thanks for the gifts of faith and baptism. After instruction about faith, God, Jesus, the Bible, and the church, three 8th graders — Isaiah U., Kaitlyn B., and Samantha…

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday is when we are reminded that the Spirit of Truth will fill us and teach us about everything that is important to Life. The Spirit will be our Advocate. Pastor Eric spoke to us of how the Spirit is about the How of life, not the Why. The Why is God’s question, not…

God with Us

On this Ascension Sunday, Retired Pastor David Nelson asked us to consider whether Jesus being carried up into Heaven is a classic case of “Abandonment” or an illustration of “God with Us” through hope and promise. In the Gospel reading of Luke 24 , Jesus tells his disciples that after he rises from the dead, repentance and forgiveness of…

Sermon in Songs

Pastor Eric shared a sunset picture from his deck the other night, and spoke of the wonder and beauty and promise of God’s continuous love with each sunset – and then sunrise.  This week’s sermon is a collection of contemporary songs sung by Pastor Eric, Terry, and Luna.  The lyrics and the melodies are rich…

God is the Alpha and the Omega.

On this Sunday, which was Endowment Sunday at St Mark, we heard Pastor Beth’s words read to us by Pastor Eric. Pastor Beth wrote that she loves the 21st Chapter of Revelation in which God tells us that He will always dwell with the people. Where is this holy city where God dwells? Our world…

The Three B’s

Pastor Eric asked the children, gathered around him, what would it be like if Jesus came to your house for Breakfast? The question was also for the adults in the congregation to consider.  New things can happen! Breakfast was only one part of the three B’s that Pastor Eric presented. The next was Belonging.  Both…