Sermons (Page 40)

We are all “Keys” to the Kingdom

Pastor Eric’s sermon was based on the 16th Chapter of Matthew where Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is.  Peter tells Jesus that he is the Messiah, the Son of God.  Jesus, pleased with Peter’s response, tells him that he is the “rock” on which the church will be built, and that he…

Challenged, Convicted, Called

It is hard to believe the violence and hatred seen recently in the media is actually happening in our time, in our country. Pastor Beth encouraged us that in times like this we especially need to remember God’s dream for us to live as a family. The Word of God challenges us, convicts us and…

Notice The Miracles Around Us

Pastor Eric attempted to walk on water today, to illustrate in the Children’s’ Sermon that miracles are extraordinary moments in ordinary lives. He gave the children ice cubes to remember the story, along with a reminder to notice the miracles that happen in our lives every day. In today’s Gospel, Matthew 14: 22-33, Jesus comes…

Holy Multiplication

Picture this…the setting is a market in Jesus’s times, with a merchant behind a fish stand bearing a sign above it…”Fishes: Buy 2, Get 5000 Free”. Our Gospel for today, Matthew 14, tells the story a bit differently. The crowd was tired and hungry and Jesus told his disciples to feed them. There was nothing…

Love is resurrection.

Today’s Gospel is by Matthew, the 13th chapter, in which the story of the mustard seed parable is told. Jesus told the crowds many parables. The word parable means to throw aside. These were stories that Jesus threw out to his followers. They were often a mystery that wove the crowds into and then out…

Jesus says, “Let them grow together.”

When we pray, we most often ask for God’s blessings for those we love, those who are struggling or suffering, or perhaps for those we respect for doing good works in our communities or in the world. However, we may be hesitant to pray for individuals doing harm to others or who are just plain…

Sowers of the Seeds

What does the landscape of your life look like now? When you plant seeds, what do you do to get your garden ready? Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, tells the story of the sower of seeds.  Jesus was the sower of seeds every where.  Let anyone with ears listen. Love, Faith and Hope are what seeds Jesus…

Lead Me, Guide Me

Jesus said come on, follow me, we’ve got some building to do. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am  gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11).  With this invitation, Jesus offers both hard work and rest in the building of the Kingdom…

Does Jesus Really Mean a Sword?

In today’s Gospel, Matthew 10, Jesus says, “Do not think I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” But does Jesus really mean a sword?? He later says, “Put your swords away”, and explains that the kind of army he wants is made up of those who choose…