Sermons (Page 39)

God’s love is always shaping us. (includes video)

First Sunday of Advent The First Reading for today is Isaiah 64:1-19, ….“You, o God, are the potter and we are the clay–the work of  your hand.” Pastor Beth ‘threw’ a wedge of clay on the potter’s wheel while she spoke to us of God’s love.  Like an artist, God is always shaping us with…

Christ the King Sunday

Christ the King Sunday is the final Sunday of the church year and we hear Matthew’s Gospel, 25:31-40, tell the story of what is done for the least of those who belong to Jesus is truly also done to Him. Today at St Mark, we were led in worship by our college and high school…

Stories Along The Way Home

This morning, the Gospel of Matthew (25:31-46) was musically illustrated during a service titled “Stories Along the Way Home”.  The music was performed by a band of musicians and singers from St. Mark, featuring Josh Everson, Benjamin Martin, John Martin, Terry Shaw, Luna Smith, Pastor Eric, Jennifer Shaw, Vicki Labensky and Pastor Beth. The Gospel told of…

Remember the Lamp Oil

In today’s Gospel reading, Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus uses lamp oil in his parable about readiness. Citing the wise bridesmaids who remembered to bring oil for their lamps to the wedding, Jesus reminds us to always be ready for his second coming and the invitation to the Kingdom of Heaven. Pastor Eric used a compass to…

All Saints Day

All Saints Day is one of the nine festivals that many main stream churches celebrate. Over the years, the church’s calendar filled up with the names of bigger saints or super saints so one Sunday was designated to be a celebration of all saints, big or little. It is a day to celebrate and remember…

Rooted, Resilient, Reforming

On this Reformation Sunday, Pastor Beth couples the early teachings of Martin Luther with our present-day spiritual life. We are rooted. Because of the faith and traditions that came before us, we are firmly planted in God’s Word. We are resilient. The spirit is breathed into us; we grow and blossom in God’s love. And…

Consider Your Coin

In today’s Gospel, Matthew 22, the Pharisees and Herodians set out to test Jesus because they were threatened by him. They asked him if taxes should be given to an earthly authority like Caesar. He asked whose image was on the coin used for taxes. And it was Caesar’s. Jesus sensed they were trying to trap…

All are invited.

All are invited. This Sunday is the Matthew 22:1-14 gospel of ‘For many are called, but few are chosen.’ Instead, Pastor Eric spoke to us of Jesus’s invitation to all to come to the banquet and learn of Him. Jesus invites us to try on different ‘coats’. ‘Coats’ are different situations in life in which…

Fruits of the Kingdom

Today’s Gospel, Matthew 21:33-46, recounts Jesus’ parable of the landowner who sent slaves to collect produce from his vineyard. The tenants beat and killed the slaves. The landowner then sent his son to collect the produce, thinking the tenants would surely respect him.  They killed him as well, with a plan to steal his inheritance.…

Safi Sunday

Today was the 17th Sunday after Pentecost and Safi Sunday. In the first reading of today, Philippians 2:1-13, Paul urges us to look to Christ as a model of humility, looking to the interests of others above our own. Safi School Project is a non-profit organization with the mission of empowering and improving the lives…