Sermons (Page 33)

Lessons and Carols

At the turn of the year, we meditate on Endings and Beginnings, knowing that all the world’s time begins and ends in God. We watch and keep vigil for the coming of God’s justice. Check out below one of the readings and the Children’s time message for this Sunday.

3rd Sunday of Advent

Luke 3:7-18 talks about trees, producing fruit and being worthy of turning and John-the-Baptist who spoke of the One to come.  John taught that preparation for God’s reign is not a matter of identity but of bearing fruits of merciful justice, radical generosity, and vocational integrity. Pastor Eric asked us what kind of tree do…

Prepare the Way!

On this second Sunday of Advent, we hear the message, “Prepare the way!” The Gospel of Luke, 3:1-6 shows John the Baptist heralding the coming of Jesus, telling the baptized people to prepare for the crooked to be made straight and the rough ways to be made smooth. The coming of Jesus, this time of…

First Sunday of Advent

Pastor Beth asked us how, as we start the new church year and prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ, Jesus talking about the end times in Luke 21:25-36 makes us feel. The words are foreboding and unsettling. We live in a world of mixed up priorities.  Jesus shakes us up from complacency. Be…

Christ The King

On this Christ The King Sunday, the Gospel from John (18:33-38) emphasizes Jesus telling Pilate, “My kingdom is not from this world.” Jesus is not an earthly king but a king who exercises his power with truth; knowing his victory will be won through love. In his sermon, Pastor Eric suggested hearing sad songs can…

Not One Stone

In today’s Gospel, Mark 13:1-8, Jesus wanted his disciples to know that things would get difficult and that the temple was not the center of their religion.  People were the church. Does the bible say we have to go to church? If we are the church, Pastor Beth asked us why is it important for…

Widows, Victims and Veterans

On this Armistice / Veterans Day, our Gospel (Mark 12), tells of Jesus warning the people to beware of scribes who, for the sake of appearance, walk around in long robes and contribute large sums into the church treasury. Yet they are the ones who “devour widows’ houses”.  In contrast, Jesus remarks about the truly…

All Saints Sunday

“We give thanks for the many different Saints in our lives” was Pastor Beth’s beginning to her sermon. She shared with us some of the life and then the death of her father who died this past February. Love and grief are intertwined. In today’s Gospel, John 11:32-44, the humanity of Jesus, who wept over…

Reformation Sunday

There have been many changes and reforms in both church and society since the fifteen hundreds when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the church door.  Important words. Pastor Beth spoke to us about reformation in our present time. There is a sharp polarization in our society due to us facing serious issues. Words,…

There is a chair for you.

Mark 10:35-45 Gospel starts with the disciples obsessing over who’s number one, which leads Jesus to say something about God’s take on importance and power. On the way to Jerusalem, the disciples ask Jesus to grant them seats of honor.  Jesus responds by announcing that he and his followers will ‘rule’ through self-giving service. Pastor…