Sermons (Page 33)

LOVE…The Word of the Day

Mercy and healing extended to the oppressed and outsiders was never a popular concept in Jesus’ day.  In today’s Gospel (Luke 4:21-30), we see the people of the synagogue becoming so threatened by the  power of Jesus to free, cleanse and heal the outsiders that they were ready to “hurl him off the cliff”. Pastor…

Pastor Chris Ode of Living Stones Congregation

Today, on this Third Sunday after Epiphany, we had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Chris Ode of the Living Stones Prison Congregation from the Washington Corrections Center in Shelton. Pastor Chris shared with us the fascinating story of his calling to this ministry just last summer. Pastor Eric and members of our congregation here at St.…

We Are the Body of Christ

In today’s Gospel, a huge problem occurred…the host of a wedding ran out of wine. Pastor Beth described running out of wine as being way beyond embarrassing. It could bring a curse on the wedding couple, or be a sign of the host’s lack of hospitality, resources, and friends. So, as the first of his…

Baptism of Our Lord

Today we started our worship service with being reminded that the baptismal font is central to our lives as God’s people. In the waters of Holy Baptism, we celebrate the gift of God’s Grace and this morning we received the sign of the cross with baptismal water from our pastors. Pastor Eric read Luke 3:15-17,21-22,…

Epiphany of Our Lord

What does Jesus bring to the world? What do we bring to Jesus and the world? Pastor Eric gave us examples of what we can do in 2019 as gifts to Jesus. 1. Pray the Lord’s prayer. 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. 3. Don’t be afraid. 4. Forgive. 5. Go make disciples. 6. Feed the hungry,…

Lessons and Carols

At the turn of the year, we meditate on Endings and Beginnings, knowing that all the world’s time begins and ends in God. We watch and keep vigil for the coming of God’s justice. Check out below one of the readings and the Children’s time message for this Sunday.

3rd Sunday of Advent

Luke 3:7-18 talks about trees, producing fruit and being worthy of turning and John-the-Baptist who spoke of the One to come.  John taught that preparation for God’s reign is not a matter of identity but of bearing fruits of merciful justice, radical generosity, and vocational integrity. Pastor Eric asked us what kind of tree do…

Prepare the Way!

On this second Sunday of Advent, we hear the message, “Prepare the way!” The Gospel of Luke, 3:1-6 shows John the Baptist heralding the coming of Jesus, telling the baptized people to prepare for the crooked to be made straight and the rough ways to be made smooth. The coming of Jesus, this time of…

First Sunday of Advent

Pastor Beth asked us how, as we start the new church year and prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ, Jesus talking about the end times in Luke 21:25-36 makes us feel. The words are foreboding and unsettling. We live in a world of mixed up priorities.  Jesus shakes us up from complacency. Be…

Christ The King

On this Christ The King Sunday, the Gospel from John (18:33-38) emphasizes Jesus telling Pilate, “My kingdom is not from this world.” Jesus is not an earthly king but a king who exercises his power with truth; knowing his victory will be won through love. In his sermon, Pastor Eric suggested hearing sad songs can…