Sermons (Page 32)

Maundy Thursday, April 18

April 18th was Maundy Thursday.  This night receives its name from Jesus’ mandate, or command, that we love one another.  On this day, we gather to remember the final night Jesus shared with his disciples.  Together, they broke bread. While they were eating, Jesus washed his disciples feet as a gesture of deep love and…

God’s Extravagant Love

Today’s Gospel Reading from John 12 tells of Mary’s gift of comfort to Jesus. As she anointed Jesus’ feet with fragrant and costly oil, Judas exclaimed his objection to this wasteful, extravagant act. Jesus, however, recognized that Mary’s gift was an expression of her love for him, and in anticipation of his burial. Pastor Beth…

Prodigal = Extravagant

The Gospel for today, the Fourth Sunday in Lent, is from Luke 15, which contains the parable of the “prodigal son”, who’s father’s extravagantly welcomed him home after he extravagantly squandered his share of his father’s property. When the older son saw the extravagant celebration for his errant brother, he became angry and questioned his…

A God of Second Chances

The Gospel for the day, Luke 13:1-9, holds the parable of the fig tree saved one more year by the gardener. After bearing no fruit for three years, the landowner was ready to “Cut it down!” But the patient gardener urged the landowner to wait another year, and see what his care and attention may…

Second Sunday in Lent

At this time in Luke’s gospel, the theme is determination.  Today is Luke 13:31-35. Jesus is speaking truth at this time. Jesus is continually speaking scriptures at this time. People come into our life at the right time with a gift of wisdom. Pastor Eric gave us examples of how he has received gifts of…

First Sunday in Lent

Today’s gospel reading is Luke 4:1-13 in which we hear of how the devil tempts Jesus after Jesus returns from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit for forty days in the wilderness. Pastor Beth asked us ‘Aren’t we all traveling through this wilderness?’ and what does the word wilderness mean.  Some answers given…

Transfiguration of our Lord

Pastor Eric asked us what did you do today to be a good listener? To listen means attending to something. In today’s gospel, Luke 9:28-43, God speaks directly to Peter, John and James telling them: “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!” The congregation was asked to look at the alter wall art,…

Bold Women’s Day

Describe a bold woman.  She is self assured, a leader, courageous, goes beyond established standards, daring, shameless and much more. Jesus is calling us to go where none have gone before. We are to love our enemies.  Bless and praise and be generous and forgiving to those that have hurt us.  Be merciful and compassionate…

Blessings to you…Woe to you

On this Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, we are presented with a Gospel full of many “blessings” and “woes” described by Jesus as the nature of discipleship. “Blessed are you who are poor”. In other words, “Welcome to the Kingdom. That is the program I am establishing for you in heaven”. “Woe to you who are rich” but…