Sermons (Page 23)

All Saints Sunday

Welcome to worship on this All Saints Sunday!  Today we give thanks for the blessing of all the Saints in our lives. We especially take time to remember our family and friends who have passed away this year. God bless and be with you!  

Reformation Sunday

Welcome to worship on this Reformation Sunday. We give thanks that the Holy Spirit continues to re-form the church and re-form us as the people of God.  Today we are blessed to hear from our beloved Bishop Rick Jaech.  There’s lots of wonderful music and children get to hear from Pastor Beth.  We invite you…

Worship for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost

This morning we celebrate the Baptism of Scarlett Bona and the Blessing of the Animals.  Pastor David Brauer Rieke (former Bishop of the Oregon Synod) offers an thoughtful sermon on the question of what do we render? (from Jesus’ response to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s).  There is…

Worship Service for 10-11-2020

As an alternative to our usual in-house created Sunday Video Service, this week we present a Sunday Video Service created by the organization Lutherans Restoring Creation. This is an organization with very close ties to the ELCA national office and a strong environmental commitment. This video has two main messages. Watch for these messages as…

18th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship on this 18th Sunday after Pentecost!  We are thankful you are worshiping with us today.  This morning Pastor Beth tackles the difficult parable of the wicked tenants and Pastor Eric offers a reprise of a lively garden song for Children’s Time.  Our musicians Terry Shaw and Rae Corbin delight us with wonderful…

17th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship at St. Mark on this 17th Sunday of Pentecost!  It is good to be together as the people of God.  In this morning’s worship video, Pastor Eric talks about Flat Jesus at Children’s Time. We are blessed to have our very own Bishop Richard Jaech preach.  There’s plenty of wonderful music too!…

16th Sunday after Pentecost Worship

Welcome to worship on this 16th Sunday after Pentecost!  This morning we hear Jesus’ parable of the workers in the vineyard and are reminded that God’s ways are not always our ways–and in the end, this is really good news!  The children hear Pastor Beth read the story of Jonah from the “Rhyme Bible”.  There’s…

15th Sunday after Pentecost Worship

Welcome to worship this morning!  We are thankful you are here.  Today’s worship plunges into forgiveness and takes a deep dive into conversations about race and our church.  God bless you as you follow Christ and live as people of faith in our world today!  

14th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship! Here is the video for Sunday, September 6th. This morning we hear a message of joy from our beloved member Laura Sinclair, a blessing for our students and school staff from Pastor Beth, music from the band and a sermon from Melanie Wallschlaeger, Director for Evangelical Mission. God bless you as you…

13th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship on this 13th Sunday of Pentecost!   We are thankful you are here. Today we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion.  MacKenzie Kennedy leads us in Children’s Time and Pastor Beth reminds us we are to take up the cross of Christ and follow him. God bless you as you worship today!