Sermons (Page 20)

9th Sunday of Pentecost Worship

Welcome to worship on this 9th Sunday of Pentecost! Today we hear the third sermon in a series on Ephesians. The service includes the celebration of Holy Communion. Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) if you would like to participate. We are thankful you are here!  

8th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship!  Today we hear the beloved 23rd Psalm and the second sermon in a series on the book of Ephesians. Our service includes the celebration of Holy Communion. Please have your own bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate. We are glad you are here!  

Sixth Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship on this 6th Sunday of Pentecost!  Today we hear the story of Jesus returning to his home town and sending out his disciples.  Our service includes the celebration of Holy Communion. Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate.  The worship bulletin is found…

5th Sunday after Pentecost Worship

Welcome to worship today!  It is good to be together as the people of God.  We thank Pastor Matt March for being our preacher and presider this morning while our pastors were away. We hear how a woman received healing when she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and a girl was restored to life…

4th Sunday in Pentecost + June 20, 2021

Welcome to Worship on the 4th Sunday in Pentecost!  The Jesus who calmed the storm can also calm you and me.  We are blessed to  hear PraisRing ring one final time before taking a summer break.  MacKenzie Kennedy joins them on the flute for an extra special offering.  You are welcome to join in Holy…

Confirmation Sunday

On June 13, we celebrated Confirmation Sunday and 5 students — Aislinn, Allissa, Jerry, Keikilani, and Zachary–participated in the Rite of Confirmation.  One more student, Ziah, will be confirmed on June 20. This video is an abbreviated version of the June 13th service and includes the Gospel Reading, the students giving their faith reflections and…

Third Sunday after Pentecost – Worship

Welcome to worship on the Third Sunday in Pentecost!  Today we hear Jesus tell parables about sowing seeds and growing mustard trees. God bless you as you worship today!  If you would like to participate in Holy Communion, please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready. We are thankful you are here!  …

Second Sunday of Pentecost Worship

Welcome to worship on the Second Sunday of Pentecost!  It is good to be together as the people of God!   Today Jesus warns about a “house divided” and Pastor Eric offers us four words to live by as a community of faith.  We welcome you to participate in the celebration of Holy Communion.  Please…