New Members (Page 2)

Meet Jim & Nancy J!

We often ask new St. Mark members to share about themselves so the congregation can get to know them better.  Jim and Nancy J joined St. Mark in October 2021 and they graciously provided the following. Jim, a retired teacher, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, where he attended church as a child. His parents are…

New Members Jerry & Marilyn Shackelford

Marilyn and Jerry Shackelford were received as new members of St. Mark in October. They transferred from Twin Harbors Lutheran Church in Grayland, Washington. Prior to that they attended Emmanuel Lutheran in Venice, Florida. Marilyn grew up in Minnesota and Jerry was raised in Illinois. Jerry is a graduate of Oregon State University. He was employed…

Meet new Members Doug & Brenda C.

Getting to know our new members is always a joy. Doug and Brenda recently joined St. Mark and have shared some background information to help us with that. Doug grew up in Lakewood, Washington and Brenda in central California. Both were raised in Christian families and have attended church all their lives. Doug has always…

15 New Members Received

On October 17th, 15 new members were received into the St. Mark congregation. Some of these new members began attending St. Mark before  all churches were closed due to the Governor’s COVID 19 mandates. Others started attending after viewing our video-taped church services on line during the pandemic! New members include Jim and Myrna S., Inge…

21st Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship!  This morning we celebrate the reception of 15 new members and the return of the Chancel Choir!  In her sermon, Pastor Beth explores what it means when Jesus says “Whoever wants to be great among you, must be servant of all.”   Worship includes Holy Communion.  If you would like to participate,…

New Members Jan and Jim Bruns

The Bruns hail from Minnesota; Jan from Minneapolis and Jim from Pipestone. While living in that area, they attended a church in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. After leaving Minnesota, the Bruns spent 33 years in Alaska. They recently moved to Olympia to be closer to their son. Jim retired in 2001 after 35 years…

Welcome Bob and Judie Lee!

New members, Bob and Judie Lee have recently joined the St. Mark family. Judie grew up in Garrison, North Dakota.  Her family belonged to and were active in the Congregational Church.  After getting married, she joined the Lutheran Church with her husband Bob. Bob grew up in Wahpeton, ND and was active in the Lutheran…

Meet Carol Schneider

Carol Schneider was born and raised in Sioux City, Iowa and has been a life-long Lutheran. She worked as a church building consultant for the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA while in Phoenix. Carol did her internship and a chaplaincy residency while in New York City. Carol retired in August of 2018 from the…

Welcome Sheri!

Sheri was born and raised in Southern California. Since 2011, she has fellowshipped at Living Water, where she and her husband met.  Sheri still attends and participates in serving there occasionally.  Prior to 2011, Sheri attended Gloria Dei. She says she has been blessed to be part of a church family since she was 13 years…

Welcome Jim & Sharon Lochner

Meet new members Jim and Sharon Lochner. Jim grew up in Sunnyside, Washington. He is employed by Trader Joe’s as a forklift driver in the warehouse, while he continues to apply for work at a state agency. Sharon grew up in Vancouver, Washington. She is retired and has gone back to work at COSTCO as…