Community (Page 2)

Quilts 2022

The display on the pews, chairs, and railings this Sunday, Oct 30, 2022, will be quilts put together with love by our St. Mark Quilters.  This coming week, the quilts will be boxed up and shipped around the world through Lutheran World Relief.  Imagine all the warmth and comfort these quilts will give to the…

Prayer Shawls

This Sunday (10/2/22), the pews were decorated with prayer shawls that have been knitted or crocheted by Craft Night members as well as other St. Mark members.  Prayer shawls are given away to members and friends in response to both joyous occasions and difficult times.  During Children’s Time, the meaningful work of the Praying Hands…

Rock Vespers!

All are welcome to attend the new “Rock Vespers” at St. Mark on Saturday May 14, June 11, July 9, and Aug 13 at 6pm in the sanctuary.  Terry Shaw, John Martin, Benjamin Martin and other community musicians will offer this welcoming service filled with a variety of popular rock music.  Although the service will…

Potato Planting a Huge Success!

After 2 years of pandemic isolation, St. Mark Community Garden held its annual Potato Planting event.  1000  row-feet  of potatoes are grown each year for the Thurston County Food Bank.  Over thirty people, large and small showed up for some gardening, some visiting, some refreshments, and some joy.  Please enjoy the pictures from the predicted…

Giving Tree

St. Mark, it’s time for our Giving Tree for children at Hawks Prairie Head Start and Friendly Grove Preschool! Please look in emails sent from the church office for the link to sign up on SignUp Genius. We still have names available. Gifts can be brought to church on Sundays December 5 and 12. Volunteers…

15 New Members Received

On October 17th, 15 new members were received into the St. Mark congregation. Some of these new members began attending St. Mark before  all churches were closed due to the Governor’s COVID 19 mandates. Others started attending after viewing our video-taped church services on line during the pandemic! New members include Jim and Myrna S., Inge…

19th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship as we celebrate St. Francis and the Blessing of the Animals!  Pastor Beth also offers a special blessing and message for our children.   The sermon tackles Jesus’ conversation with the Pharisees about divorce and the blessing of children. Jesus is always concerned about the most vulnerable. The service includes Holy Communion.…

God’s Work Our Hands St. Mark Style

Just two ways the generous people of St. Mark chose to make a positive impact in the community this week. The Social Justice Team spearheaded an effort to put together care packages for homeless people as a part of “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday.  There was an amazing response from our congregation over the last several…

Faiths 4 Vaccines

Love thy neighbor. Get vaccinated. | Faiths4Vaccines: A Multifaith Movement May 11, 2021 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America As part of the Faiths4Vaccines initiative, prominent faith leaders explain how receiving the vaccine is an expression of love for one’s neighbors. Faiths4Vaccines is an inclusive, multifaith movement comprised of local and national religious leaders, as well…