Community (Page 11)

Summer Sunday Worship at 10:00am!

Remember, we worship with the celebration of Holy Communion at 10:00am on Sunday mornings during the summer months of July and August.  Sunday School for children and adults resumes with the return to our regular schedule in September–the Sunday after Labor Day weekend.   Hope to see you at St. Mark!

Volunteer for Mountain View Elementary Garden!

Some classrooms at  Mountain View Elementary and the Thurston County Food Bank are working together on a curriculum which incorporates healthy food.  St. Mark has agreed to help with this by working with them to plant and maintain their small garden.  Last year we planted and harvested over 50 pounds of produce for the Thurston…

Christmas Joy! A Christmas Music Festival

Celebrate the joy of Christmas on Sunday, December 15th at 5:00pm as St. Mark presents a music festival–Christmas Joy! Performers include the St. Mark Chancel Choir, the St. Mark Bell Choir–PraisRing, various vocal ensembles, and many different instruments.  The music will lift your spirits and make your heart sing!  Immediately following the festival, there will…

Thanksgiving gifts for Mountain View Families

You can contribute to our Thanksgiving gift to Mountain View Elementary in one of four ways: 1.  Purchase a grocery store gift card (or more than 1!) that a family can use to purchase the foods of their choice for their holiday meal. 2.  Purchase a ready-to-eat meal that the family can pick up the…

Rally Sunday and ELCA anniversary = BIG Food Bank gift

On Sunday, September 8th, St. Mark  celebrated Rally Day and the 25th Anniversary of the ELCA with a food drive for the Thurston County Food Bank (TCFB).  Food was processed in during worship and a “noisy” (and not so noisy!) offering taken. Cases  of  food were brought by church members.  The food was initially gathered…

Burgers, Bible Stories, and Bunco!

“Summer Nights” at St. Mark:  Burgers, Bible Stories and Bunco! On Wednesday, July 17 at 6:30pm, everyone is invited to attend an evening of food, fun, fellowship, and faith-sharing in the Parish Hall. We will enjoy freshly grilled hamburgers, an entertaining game of Bunco, and interesting Bible Stories. This is an “intergenerational” evening which means…