Blog (Page 99)

Begin Mt View Partnership

Please join us in welcoming our neighbors across the street this Sunday, April 21. The Mountain View Elementary principal, Kurt Hatch, and Michelle Zodrow, their intervention specialist, will be here to receive a check of over $10,000 you raised, beyond regular giving, to begin our ministry and partnership with our school. This will be a great…

Community Garden potato harvest

Potato Planting this Saturday, April 13th at 9am!

Please join us for our third annual Food Bank potato planting at the St. Mark Community Garden.  We have 2000 seed potatoes to plant which will yield over two tons of potatoes to the hungry of Thurston County. Come at 9am dressed for garden work,  enjoy some continental breakfast, and plant potatoes with your neighbors!…

Making of an Easter Sanctuary Masterpiece

David Nelson, retired pastor, along with several members and staff, transformed the St. Mark sanctuary into a stunning Easter Masterpiece complete with a huge butterfly on the wall, a banner to match, and yellow streamers and ribbons along both sides of the main aisle. Check out each picture below to see how it all came together! THANK YOU…

Tuesdays with Paul the Apostle

Come join us on our continued journey with Paul the Apostle.  For the next two weeks, April 9 and April 16, we will finish watching the series “Eclipsing Empire:  Paul, Rome, and the Kingdom of God”, presented by Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg.  The first few sessions have been very well received, providing for many…

Easter Breakfast

Easter Sunday (3/31) Worship at 8:30am and 11:00am with breakfast served between services. Easter breakfast is a wonderful fellowship time and celebration of our Risen Lord! Money raised from this year’s breakfast (goodwill offering) will benefit the Thurston County Food Bank, and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will donate $250 if we can raise $750 at…

Good Friday Sanctuary Art

The  Good Friday service was held at noon and 7pm.  It was beautiful and somber and  “The Seven Last  Words of Christ” were read in scripture by church members who then also shared their reflection on the passage.  The music by the Chancel Choir was both moving and inspirational, especially the rendition of “Were You…

Maundy Thursday Reflections

Pastor Eric’s Maundy Thursday sermon centered on Jesus washing the feet of the disciples during the Last Supper.  Jesus performed this act out of love and humility as an example for us all. “So”, Pastor Eric asked us, “what does a foot-washing church look like?”  He outlined three main points: 1.  Extravagant Generosity:  GIVE, GIVE,…

Pastor’s Ponderings for Easter 2013

Our Lenten journey provides us the opportunity to reflect upon Jesus, our faith, and our lives – upon who Christ is, who we are, and how we live as loved and forgiven children of God. I love how this Lent, we are doing this reflection as we look at each other during worship! We are…

Craft Night – March 2013

Craft Night is a wonderful evening of dinner, sharing projects, learning a new craft trick here and there, and lots of laughter. We gather again on March 25 at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall and invite you to join us. For more information, please contact Jan S.