Blog (Page 94)

Lutheran Summer Music Sunday NOVEMBER 10

Last spring, St. Mark was treated to two benefit concerts to help support our five students who attended the Lutheran Summer Music Academy* in Decorah, Iowa this summer. The outpouring of support from the generous people of St. Mark, plus matching funds from Thrivent, added up to roughly $5,700.00! This allowed the students to meet…

All Saints Sunday

Come join us on Sunday, November 3 as we remember and give thanks for all the saints in our lives.  During our 8:30 and 11:00 worship services, we will offer special prayers and light candles  in thanksgiving for our loved ones.  (Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night!)  See you on…

Even Pastors can get grumpy! Sermon October 20, 2013

Pastor Eric, without his robe and in a wrinkled shirt,  looked on the outside how he was feeling on the inside – grumpy!  Our congregation has been trying to figure out how to help children at Mountain View Elementary stay “Safe and Warm” when they arrive at school long before the doors are open.  We…

Life is a Gift

Today’s gospel is from Luke where Luke tells the story of Jesus healing ten lepers and only one thanking Jesus for making him well. Just as the leper was changed, healed, and made clean, gratitude changes our life. Gratitude for the Grace that God gives us each and every day. Each day, finding one thing…

Animate: Bible – Sessions and Voices

Animate: Bible is a seven-session adult exploration of the Bible. It is a refreshing new take on what the Bible is, how it came to be, and how we should read it. Each session encourages participants to discuss, sketch, doodle, create, and share. It’s an open-ended approach that provides space for reflection and prayer in…

Faith Is Not About You!

Faith is not about you…it is about what God does through you! Faith is about doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways! Faith is not about being super human but about being fully human! Do you ever hear a bible reading and wonder the context and tone of voice in which it was originally delivered? Click…

Angels Among Us!

How would you respond if you saw a friend struggling and your actions could lessen their burden? Would you hesitate to help? The Gospel (Luke 16:19-31) for Sunday Sept. 29 illustrates the parable that the “poor” (i.e struggling) are lifted up, and the rich one is “sent away empty”. Pastor Beth illustrated this parable with…

Blessing of the Animals – Oct 2013

Baa! Moo! Woof! Neigh! Meow! In pet language, that means, “Please bring me to church with you on Sunday, October 6th.” Why? We will celebrate St. Francis with the blessing of all creation and our animals at both services (large animals will be blessed between services in the church parking lot). Please be sure your…

Jesus Summons Us. Sermon Summary for 9/22

Summons. The dictionary defines summons as “to authoritatively and urgently be called upon to be present”. The Greek translation is, “to remind privately”. In his sermon, Pastor Eric used parables from Luke to illustrate the message that Jesus teaches us, more so convinces us, to follow him. The business owner summons his dishonest manager; the…