Blog (Page 85)

Take up their cross and follow me.

In Matthew 16:21-28, Jesus told his disciples, ” If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” The second reading for this Sunday, Romans 12:9-21, Paul goes into detail as to how to follow Jesus’s example. Pastor Eric asked us what does that mean and…

Adult Sunday School: “Animate-Practices”

Another popular and engaging class is coming to the Lounge! Animate: Practices is a brand new, seven-session adult introduction to the central practices of the Christian faith. Each week we will have a lively DVD presenter speaking on prayer, food, worship, sacraments, money, service, and community. We will have great conversation, and be given opportunities…

Ice Bucket Challenge Comes to St. Mark!

Yes, indeed!  The “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge” has come to St. Mark!  A member of St. Mark nominated Pastor Beth for this challenge–to dump a bucket of ice water over her head and give a donation in support of research for ALS. This member lost her husband to this disease. Pastor Beth accepted this challenge!…

St. Mark Community Garden Shed Fundraiser

On Saturday September 13th, 4 St. Mark gentlemen – David N., Lloyd S., John M., and Ron W –  will try to outdo each other with their barbecued culinary creations.  Based loosely on the show, “Chopped”, they will get baskets filled with surprise  ingredients  they need to include in their barbecue dish.  Judges from the…

God is Incredible!

Lessons for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, from Matthew 16 and Psalm 138, beg us to ponder identity. Who is God? Who is Jesus? And who are we. We live in a world with violence, hatred, illness, poverty, brokenness. Pastor Beth’s sermon reminds us we have to ponder this, but we cannot let the world define who…

More News from Safi travelers!

Trudy has sent another letter with many wonderful pictures of the work that the St. Mark crew are performing at the Ngateu secondary school in Arusha, Tanzania.  A new side walk has been built, a colorful mural painted on the wall of the science room, and  lessons in speaking and reading English.  The students seem…

Jesus Heals

In today’s gospel, Peter asks Jesus to explain a parable that had offended the Pharisees. Jesus tells his followers that faith is about the heart and not about the rituals that we do. As Jesus is explaining this parable, a woman, a marginal person in their society, approaches Jesus in a loud voice begging that…