Blog (Page 82)

Advent Art Explanation

We always love David Nelson’s seasonal creations on the Sanctuary wall, but it is even better when he tells us what the art means to him.  Here is his description of the 2014 Advent/Christmas art. If blue were a word, it would be a minor key perhaps like the Yiddish folk tune of Light One…

Final Advent Mid-Week Service

Our final mid-week Advent service with “Holden Vespers” and Holy Communion is on Wednesday, December 17 at 6:30pm. Come at 5:45pm for a potluck feast!   “My soul proclaims your greatness, O God and my spirit rejoices in you!”

Sing Noel! A St. Mark Christmas Concert

Sing Noel and listen to the sounds of the season at the St. Mark Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 21 at 3:00pm.  All are welcome to attend and celebrate with the gift of music from the St. Mark PraisRing Bell Choir, the Chancel Choir, and several ensembles.   Following the concert is a delicious dessert…

The Light always shines in the darkness.

On this Third Sunday of Advent we have no mention of shepherds nor angels but of John the Baptist who was a voice of one crying out in the wilderness pointing us to Jesus. Pastor Beth read Andrew King’s poem ‘Voice of John’ and suggested that at this time of year, when we have long,…

Christmas Candle light service

St. Mark Christmas Event schedule

SUNDAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS December 28 Christmas Lessons and Carols. One service only (10:00am); no Sunday School or Adult Education on Dec 28. January 4 Epiphany Lessons and Carols. Regular worship schedule (8:30 and 11:00am) with Sunday School & Adult Education. CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP SERVICES 5:00pm Family Service with candlelight and Holy Communion. 11:00pm Choral Service…

“Something is coming and it is big!”

The beginning of the Gospel of Mark is the beginning of the good news. John the Baptist the truth-teller, says “Something is coming and it is big”! Throughout the chapter, the theme is…Jesus is always ahead of us, and God will be waiting. God’s grace is waiting, regardless. It is available to everyone, especially if you…

Advent Wednesday Evening Worship

Each remaining Wednesday evening during Advent (December 10 and 17) we gather in the Parish Hall for dinner, conversation, and worship.  Dinner begins at 5:45pm.  It is a potluck!  You are welcome to bring a food item to share with others.  Worship with Holden Vespers immediately follows dinner at 6:30pm as we sit around the…

Advent Art has begun!

What started this fall as corn stalks painted on the sanctuary wall (along with real corn stalks and pumpkins), has morphed into a lovely tree line as Advent begins.  Retired Pastor David Nelson is at it again with his inspirational art work.  Come each Sunday in Advent and watch as the wall continues to change…

St. Mark Giving Tree

Well and quickly done, St. Mark! ALL of our Hawk’s Prairie and Friendly Grove Head Start kids have been officially “adopted.” The love and generosity you show these children each Christmas season is an inspiration. Thank you all so much. The only thing left to do is return your gifts to the church on December…

God is the Potter

God is the potter and each of us is God’s work of art.  Our world is not the way God created it to be. We are not the way God created us to be.  Isaiah (64: 1-9) cried out, “You have hidden your face from us!” Pastor Beth reminds us that Advent is a time…