What does it mean to have Christ reign in your life? Pastor Beth asked four members of St. Mark’s congregation to reflect on this question and share their thoughts at both services on November 23, Christ The King Sunday. For Jenny G, her mother’s writings, her favorite Psalm, 139, and many other sources helped her sort out her beliefs. But her…
This Sunday, we enter into the season of Advent. Advent is a season of waiting, watching, and longing. We see the despair in our world. Our world is not the way God created it to be. We are not who God created us to be. We long for hope. We long for healing. We long…
On Sunday, November 23, we celebrate the end of our liturgical church year with Christ the King and The Reign of Christ. At our 8:30 and 11:00 worship services, four members of St. Mark (Jenny G., Brian S., Gary D., and Gail F.) will reflect upon what it means to them that Christ reigns in…
Pastor Eric preached on the big message of Matthew’s gospel, 25:14-30…”In the meantime, I am with you always.” The image, on the front of our Sunday bulletin, portrayed three servants who are part of the parable concerning the use of the talents (huge sums of money) given to them by their master. Two are dressed…
Retired Pastor David Nelson preached today. The Gospel spoke of the foolish bridesmaids that missed out on the wedding because they ran out of oil in their lamps and were shut out of the wedding feast. Whether this is an allegory or a parable, it is difficult to understand why God would shut anyone out…
Today we celebrated All Saints Day with the reading of names of those dearly departed and the lighting of candles in their remembrance but this day also celebrates the baptized living people of God who are the body of Christ. We listened to the reading of Matthew 5:1-12 which is the retelling of the beatitudes…
Many thanks to our Junior High and High School students (and their families) for a SPOOKTACULAR Halloween Party! \ We enjoyed good food! Exciting games! And Great Fun! And the winner of the Best Costume is…. dear old Granny!!!
Reformation Sunday acknowledges Martin Luther’s nailing of 95 thesis on the Whittenberg cathedral door over 500 years ago and we are all encouraged to wear red on this day in celebration of the Holy Spirit. Our church, part of the ELCA, is deeply rooted in scripture and history but what does it mean for us…
All are welcome to a Halloween party on Sunday, October 26th from 5-7:00pm in the parish hall. Dinner will be a spooktacular potluck! If you dare, make your frightfully favorite dish to share. Bring your carved jack-o-lanterns to add to the boo-tiful festivities! Ghoulish games and fun to be had by all! Costumes are encouraged…
Do you know you are God’s treasure? We are God’s jewel that shines Grace into the world. Today’s gospel concerns Jesus being questioned about what to give to Caesar and what to give to God. Does everything belong to God? Is there some part of you that only belongs to you? Are there things that…