Blog (Page 81)

lt’s All About the Water

Today at St. Mark it was all about the water. During Pastor Eric’s children’s sermon, he gave the kids each a small tree branch, had them dip it in the font and go out into the congregation and share the water with swooping sprinkles…in essence to remember our baptism. It’s all about the water. We…

WELCA Spring Retreat

Southwest Washington Women of the ELCA Annual Spring Retreat April 17-19, 2015 Dumas Bay Centre, Federal Way Pastor Mary Lindstrom- speaker & pastor Full weekend – $185.00, includes 4 meals and two overnight lodging Commuter or Saturday only $120.00, includes meals. Please join us for a Joyful Heart, Dancing Spirit, uplifting weekend in a beautiful Puget…

Women of the ELCA activities

Epiphany Brunch at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd.  St. Mark women are invited to attend the Epiphany Brunch on Saturday, January 17th at 10:00 am at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd.  This will be a chance for all to meet Good Shepherd’s new pastor, Pastor Amy Hessel. The speaker for the brunch is…

“What’s in your Grace Wallet?”

On this Second Sunday of Christmas, one of our St. Mark youth, Lisha, shared the Gospel of Matthew 5:13-16. In part, it says…“Let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works, and give glory to your father in heaven.” God’s grace frees us to care, and to do good works.…

Thursday Church – One Family, Two Meals

Thursday Church officially began at St. Mark on January 22, 2015 at 6:00 pm. We meet every Thursday in the Parish Hall, beginning with soup and bread (provided). The service lasts about an hour, and includes prayer, communion, and hearing and engaging the Word of God. The style is: Informal – Come as you are. All…

Christmas Carols, Lessons, & A Flock of Birds

This first Sunday after Christmas was a one service day.  We heard lessons and sang Christmas carols and heard the story of their individual creation. During children’s time, John Martin talked about and then read us the story of one man’s awakening to the meaning of Jesus being born in a manger.  It has to…

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Pastor Eric quoted what Pastor Beth recently said…..” We are all part of the Holy Family. We need each other and we can’t do it alone.” Listen to hear how this is part of the Christmas story. Christmas Eve

Christmas 2014 Slideshow

Check out this slideshow of images around the sanctuary from the Christmas 2014 season. Most of these Christmas images can be viewed in person by attending our Christmas Eve services at 5:00pm and at 11:00pm. Both services will be Candlelight services and both services will include Holy Communion. The 5:00pm service will be more family oriented…


The St Mark Chancel Choir and PraiseRing Bell Choir presented their annual Christmas Concert on Dec 21. Joining the choirs were excellent narration readings interspersed between each musical number by Marvin and Jan, two of St Mark’s regular Sunday readers. In addition to the musical numbers by the choirs, there were excellent vocal solos by…

Totally…towards the light.

Life is not always easy. We long for “the light”. We desperately want to remember that “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it”. God always comes to us, often unannounced, and especially in the midst of the storm, to point us towards the light. During this time of year,…