Blog (Page 8)

Wednesday Lenten Soup Supper and Service

Each Wednesday during the season of Lent (February 21-March 20), we gather at 5:45pm for a simple soup supper followed by a worship service in the sanctuary at 6:30pm.  The service includes reflections of God’s faithfulness offered by members of St. Mark on the theme, “Through the Storm, Through the Night, Lead Me on to…

Welcome Roanne and Russ!

Roanne and Russ were both raised in small towns in central Connecticut, an area south of Hartford. Roanne was born in Connecticut and Russ was born in New York City. They have lived in Connecticut, Alaska, California and Washington. Roanne is one of nine children who live in various states. Russ has a brother and…

4th Sunday of Epiphany

Welcome to worship on the 4th Sunday of Epiphany!  Pastor Eric reminds the children and all of us that God’s love makes the “holey” parts of us “holy” and makes us “whole.” If you would like to participate in Holy Communion, please have your bread and wine ready. God bless you!  

Meet New Members Tracy & Dawn

Dawn grew up in Fargo and Tracy in Hettinger North Dakota. They married and moved to Minneapolis, then Chicago and back to North Dakota when their kids started school. Tracy and Dawn have always been Lutheran. The last church they attended was St. John Lutheran Church in Dickinson, North Dakota, where they were members for…