Blog (Page 73)

Two Copper Coins

The Gospel Lesson for today from Mark 12 describes a widow who is the poorest of the poor, having to beg to survive. Yet she gave everything she had to the church. Not a tithe, not a percentage, not a portion…but everything! Two copper coins. We are not told why. Was it out of respect? Religious…

St. Mark Thanksgiving Challenge

What if we took time each day during the month of November to offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God for one blessing in our lives?    Chances are good that it will influence us to be more aware of all our blessings and feel more grateful.  An attitude of gratitude changes hearts–especially our own.…

What is Life? What is Death? What is Resurrection?

This All Saints Sunday we celebrated the life of all saints.  Pastor Eric reminded us that we are all saints (and sinners) – whether living or deceased.  He took a picture of the children during their sermon and taped this to the front of the Candle Cross to signify the “living saints”. The names of…

Our Talented Music Staff

We are delighted to highlight and introduce our talented St. Mark Music Staff–Terry Shaw, Rae Corbin, and Leah Wilson! Terry Shaw (pictured on the right) is our Music Director.  Terry has extensive experience with different styles of music, choirs of all ages, and teaching a variety of subjects.  As our Music Director, Terry oversees our…

Quilts for the World

The year of making quilts ends in Oct when we share the quilts made in the last 12 months at Sunday morning worship. With the blessings of our St Mark family, the quilts are packed into boxes. Our quilts are taken to the regional shipping center in Seattle by our friends at Church of the Good…

What is a SMART church?

Reformation Sunday!  Wear RED! This was a Sunday with balloons, books on wheels and two pastor’s preaching God’s word. Pastor Eric and Pastor Beth explained to the congregation what SMART means and took turns illustrating each letter…. S-Stewardship; M-Music; A-Art; R-Relationships; T-Theology; and an extra letter…K-Kids ……because we are all kids of God. You’ll have…

The last, the low, the little, the least.

In biblical times, wealth was seen as a blessing from God. But our Gospel for today turns this thinking upside down. Jesus says, “Sell what you own, give everything to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.” For mortals, this is impossible; about as likely as a camel fitting…

SAFI School Project

Safi Foundation Auction to Benefit the Safi School Project

Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 5-9 pm Lacey Community Center, 6729 Pacific Avenue SE, Lacey WA 98503 Join friends for a fun-filled evening and learn more about the Safi School Project and the students it supports. We will be highlighting the 2014-2015 accomplishments of our students and staff of Ngateu Secondary School in Arusha Tanzania.…

Be a Bungee!

We are all created in the image of God. But we have tendencies toward sin, tendencies towards what is not God-like, turning away from God and towards ourselves. We are like hooks; we bend over, and curve into ourselves. In today’s sermon, Pastor Eric suggested we need to be more like a bungee cord…signifying partnership,…