Chay T, daughter of Joan C, was born in Renton, WA. The family moved to Olympia when she was three years old, and she was baptized at St. Mark at that time. Chay returned to St. Mark a couple of years ago and renewed her membership last fall. Chay graduated from Tumwater High School and…
St. Mark celebrated Easter Vigil today on this Palm Sunday. The Gospel spoke to Jesus’s disciples at the empty tomb wondering where Jesus had been taken. Mary sees Jesus but initially does not recognize him – until he calls her name. Pastor Eric asked the congregation, “Where have YOU seen Jesus?” He then shared two…
Today was Good Sunday and we experienced Good Friday, the second part of the Great Days of Holy Week-called the Triduum. Normally, these services are held on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday before Easter Sunday. We continue to learn more about these services as we journey through Lent from “Ashes to Easter”. Today’s liturgy is…
The word Maundy is derived from a French word meaning mandate or command. It commemorates the last opportunity Jesus had to give out his instructions or teachings. Jesus knew his hour had come. He was with his disciples and began to wash their feet, to show he loved them to the end, and to set an…
“I grew up in a town outside of Spokane called Cheney until age 8. From age 8 to 9, I lived in Tacoma, and from age 9 to age 20 in Las Vegas, Nevada. For the next 5 years, I lived in Orange County, California. Now at age 26, I live here in Lacey. I…
At St. Mark, we are on an alternative timeframe for our Lenten journey from ‘Ashes to Easter’. Today we celebrated Palm Sunday. This was Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the back of a colt (donkey). Pastor Beth talked of Luke’s Gospel, 19:28-40, not naming the two disciples who were sent to find a colt…
All are welcome to the Wednesday Evening Soup Suppers and Lenten Worship. Soup is served at 5:45pm in the Parish Hall and the “Open My Life” service begins at 6:30pm in the sanctuary. Each week, members of St. Mark will offer reflections on what it means to Open their Lives to God. Our preachers…
This Lenten Sunday was a service of Healing, Forgiveness and Reconciliation. As we journey through the season of Lent, we trust in the healing power of God’s love. As a symbol of God’s healing love, when we went forward for communion, we were anointed with oil with the sign of the cross on our forehead.…
Pastor Beth asks us, in this sermon, to spend this Lent deliberately fostering our relationship with God. For some that is giving something up – something that is a barrier to our relationship with God. Pastor Beth encourages us to also add things that foster our relationship with God; for some that might be helping…
Ron was born and grew up in Tracy, MN. When he was 18, he attended Mankato State College for two years, then transferred to Augustana University, a private college affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Sioux Falls, S.D. He attended there from 1954 to 1956. Ron then attended graduate school at Iowa State University…