Blog (Page 67)

Three things involved in forgiveness.

Today’s Gospel is the seventh chapter of Luke speaking of forgiveness. Pastor Eric defined the text word ‘forgiveness’ as a release of a burden which can lead to freedom. There are three things involved in forgiveness: 1. It is intimate for all people. 2. It is possible for all people. 3. It is available for…

We are broken, then beautiful.

On this third Sunday after Pentecost, the Gospel and Pastor Beth’s sermon were all about miracles. These were healing miracles performed by Jesus, and through prayer, by Elijah.  They took those who were broken, ill, no longer breathing, and they gave them life and health. Jesus knows where we are vulnerable and sees our brokenness. And like an artist or…

St. Mark Annual Meeting – June 12th

The Annual Meeting of St. Mark Lutheran Church will be held on Sunday, June 12th following our one service at 10:00am.  The meeting will be held in the sanctuary.  Congregational reports have been emailed and are also available in advance in the church office.  Additional copies can be picked up on Sunday morning.   We…

“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”

Our St. Mark Championship Trophy-winning Co-ed Intergenerational Softball Team has started off the season with a huge bang! The energy and dedication demonstrated on Friday, June 3, was something to behold. And that was just the FANS! Seriously, the players were spot on. The whole Utto-Galarneau family got on base and scored; daughter Grace had a…

Video of St Mark Water Conservation Lectures

A presentation was made here at St Mark on Wed, June 1 at 10am by the St Mark CIC committee, the LOTT Clean Water Alliance, and the Lacey Water Resources Specialist. The presentation will be repeated at 11:30am Sun, June 5 in the parish hall. A complete video of the presentation is included below. Alternately,…

Jesus, Just Say the Word!

The Gospel from Luke was a healing story where a centurion asks Jesus to cure his sick slave.  He tells Jesus that he does not have to come to his home, but just “speak the word and my servant will be healed.”  Jesus was amazed at the centurion’s faith, and told the crowd, “I tell…

Our Father’s World

On this Holy Trinity Sunday, our St. Mark Bell Choir used their music to illustrate “My Father’s World”. Alternately, the Lector read the scriptures and PraiseRing played their hand bells and special instruments to portray Wind, Rain, Stars, Tempest and an Epilogue. Together, they helped us experience God’s world through the Word and sounds…”the wind blows where it…

Confirmation Sunday

On this Day of Pentecost, we celebrated Confirmation Sunday at our 11:00 service.  As we give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit, we also give thanks for the gifts of faith and baptism. After instruction about faith, God, Jesus, the Bible, and the church, three 8th graders — Isaiah U., Kaitlyn B., and Samantha…

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday is when we are reminded that the Spirit of Truth will fill us and teach us about everything that is important to Life. The Spirit will be our Advocate. Pastor Eric spoke to us of how the Spirit is about the How of life, not the Why. The Why is God’s question, not…

God with Us

On this Ascension Sunday, Retired Pastor David Nelson asked us to consider whether Jesus being carried up into Heaven is a classic case of “Abandonment” or an illustration of “God with Us” through hope and promise. In the Gospel reading of Luke 24 , Jesus tells his disciples that after he rises from the dead, repentance and forgiveness of…