Blog (Page 64)

All Saints Sunday, November 6

We invite you to worship with us on All Saints Sunday, November 6th at 8:30 or 11:00am. All Saints Sunday is a celebration of thanksgiving for all the saints in our lives–those who are living and those who have gone on before us. During worship, we will offer a prayerful litany of the saints.  There…

Love is All You Need Sunday!

Today was Love is All You Need Sunday! All of this Sunday’s Lessons spoke of Love and it was a morning for singing songs by The Beatles. The whole service was recorded for us to listen to over and over on any day we want. So, get comfortable, get out your Beatles’ song book and…

New Member Orientation

If you are curious about St. Mark, interested in making St. Mark your church home, recently joined our congregation, or have been a long time member, you are welcome to attend a New Member Orientation on either Sunday, November 6 or Sunday, November 13 at 10:00am.  (This is the same orientation — it is being…


All you need is love…. dah – dah – dah – dah – dah…. On Sunday, October 23rd, at both worship services (8:30 and 11:00am), all our worship music will be songs from The Beatles.  The liturgical format will be a “Lessons and Carols” service with Holy Communion.  PraisRing (St. Mark’s handbell choir) will be…

Reformation Sunday, October 30th

On Sunday, October 30th, we are celebrating Reformation Sunday.  We give thanks that we are part of a “reforming” church that continually seeks to be faithful to how the Spirit is at work in this time and place, shaping us to be the Body of Christ.  On this day you are encouraged to wear RED as…


Spiders, bats, black cats and more… Let’s see what St. Mark Boo-unco has in store! Everyone, the young and not so young, are welcome to a frightfully fun evening of Bunco on Sunday, October 30th from 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall.  Bunco is a dice game that can be played by people of all ages.…

Knock, knock, knock…

Today’s sermon, given by “guest” Pastor Linda Milks, a member of our St. Mark congregation, spoke to the parable of the persistent widow and the hateful judge (Luke 18). The widow wears the judge down with her constant knock, knock, knocking, her persistent pleas for justice against her opponent. So she won’t keep bothering him,…

Breathe Deep

On Sunday, October 9th, during our 8:30 worship service, the debut of a new, original song, “Breathe Deep,” written by Trudy Hoy (lyrics) and Terry Shaw (music) was performed by our Chancel Choir.  What an amazing gift!  Thank  you Trudy and Terry for putting a beautiful song in our hearts! (Soloists were Dave E. and…

Made Clean

On this 21st Sunday after Pentecost, we are reminded that the “body and blood of Jesus in holy communion have made us clean”. Today’s Gospel tells of the 10 lepers who asked for mercy from Jesus. He granted their request, healed all ten, and sent them on their way to share the good news. Only…

So what? Now what?

This Sunday’s gospel talks about Faith being the size of a mustard seed. In the gospel, the apostles say to the Lord increase our Faith. Help us to be better. Pastor Eric said the key to a sermon is to ask:  So what? Now what? Everything we do is Faith formation as we are building…