Blog (Page 63)

God’s Love will never, ever let us go.

Pastor Beth shared a confession with us this morning. And then a story. She went on to say that this week she had noticed a man walking down Pacific Ave. who was yelling as he walked which reminded her that this is not the most wonderful time of the year for everyone. Blue, in a…

An arrival and an adventure.

Today was the 1st Sunday of Advent and the Gospel of Matthew 24:36-44 describes what Jesus said his second coming would be. Pastor Eric defined Advent to mean an arrival and an adventure and Jesus asking us all to be ready. There were two large pictures of Jesus on easels on the alter. One was…

Advent at St. Mark – Come Join Us!

The Liturgical Art is signaling the beginning of Advent 2016.  Josh E. is our resident artist and Week One is a simple yet beautiful depiction of the four Advent candles.  Each week the picture will be added to, with the final product revealed on Christmas Eve. Many activities are scheduled during the Advent season so…

Christ the King Sunday

Today was Christ the King Sunday. This was the last Sunday of the church year when we praise Christ as King. The Bible promises that God’s power and majesty differ radically from the reign of human monarchs. In today’s recording, you will hear three people,  Pam Buckner, Leah Wilson and Terry Shaw,  speak to us…

What Art has been on the Church Wall this Fall?

For the past two months Josh E. has displayed his art creation on the Sanctuary wall.  The wall shows many faces of happy children with colors signifying the stained glass of the St. Mark sanctuary.  The painting represents our goal that St. Mark Lutheran Church is all about kids. We have had impacts on children…

Before the Flood

Our Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group hosted a viewing of the documentary “Before the Flood” in the church lounge at 10:00AM on Tuesday. This excellent documentary about Climate Change addresses what must be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet. There were many positive comments about the film from those in…

Loving in Face of Division

Upon entering church today, we were each given a slip of paper. As service began, Pastor Beth asked that we write down one (or more) of our fears and the kids collected them all. During children’s time, Pastor talked to the kids about what they were afraid of, then they carried the papers outside for…

Listen With Your Heart

The good news is…we have been “equipped by God” to listen. In today’s sermon, Pastor Eric suggests that we have been given “extra sensitive ears”. Might that be the grace and love given to us through His son, Jesus Christ? Our introduction to the Gospel, Luke 6, says, “Jesus invites his disciples to shower radical love, blessing,…

Reformation: Changing & Growing

On this Reformation Sunday, Pastor Beth quoted reformer Martin Luther, “Faith is God’s work in us that changes us and gives us new birth”. We spoke together her mantra, “God loves us. God forgives us. God is always with us.” That really says it all! Those simple words are the basis of Christian faith. The…