Blog (Page 60)

Endowment Grants Benefit Many

At both services on April 23, Dan B, member of the St. Mark Endowment Committee shared a testimony about the good works being done at St. Mark, in the community and world-wide with the annual Endowment Fund Grant Awards. Dan says, in part, “The St. Mark Endowment Ministry was established in 1993 as a part of…

Women of ELCA

Members of St. Mark, Lacey, Women of ELCA selected the Friends of the Triennial Gathering as a goal for donation at the Women of the ELCA, Church-wide Triennial, which will be held in Minneapolis this year. Dorothy R, President of St. Mark’s Chapter, states, “Our goal of a $500.00 donation and having our church name…

Holy Hilarity Sunday

Be prepared to laugh as Pastor Beth tells some interesting ‘stories’ on this Second Sunday of Easter. This Sunday is known by many different names in different congregations, such as Low Sunday because, after the church being full on Easter Sunday, attendance is lower today. It is also known as Doubting Thomas Sunday because of…

Easter Surprise!

The image of Jesus on the Altar Art Wall was an Easter morning surprise! Artists David N, Gerry H and John M created the sequences of color throughout the Lenten season. Then…this morning, we were greeted with the image of Jesus ripping through the infinite to the finite world, opening and infusing God’s grace and…

Passion/Palm Sunday

Today’s worship included an extended reading from the Gospel of Matthew.  Our service began with a palm procession commemorating Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  The tone of the service changed quickly as we meditated upon Jesus’ passion and death. This story is central to our faith. Today we remember how Christ offered his life for…

Lazarus, Come Out!

In John 11, the Gospel for this fifth Sunday in Lent, we hear how Jesus calls his friend Lazarus out of the tomb and restores him to life. When he came out of the tomb, Lazarus was bound in bandages. Jesus told the others to unbind Lazarus and set him free. Pastor Beth reminded us the…

A Spring of Gushing Water

At Jacob’s well, things happened. Jesus asked the Samaritan woman to give him a drink. He told her that those drinking this water will be thirsty again. But, “those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty”. The Samaritan woman went into the city and told of meeting a…

St. Mark Supports Youth Music!

The members of St. Mark Lutheran Church love their youth and support their musical talents in many ways. During Sunday services on March 12, we heard testimony from several youth who have benefited from St. Mark’s generosity. Our donations help make it possible for them to attend the music program of their choice. The St.…