Voting members will convene Aug. 5-10 for the 2019 ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Churchwide Assembly at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee. This will be the 15th gathering of the assembly, the primary decision-making body of the ELCA. This year’s theme is “We Are Church,” and voting members will spend the week participating in…
In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus reminds us to be devoted to Him and his word. Pastor Eric’s message concerned the bottom line of Jesus based on God’s math. Gospels are just story math problems. We read Colossians 1:15-28 to learn more of who Jesus is. We dwell in the God math with Jesus. Listen to what…
Carol Schneider was born and raised in Sioux City, Iowa and has been a life-long Lutheran. She worked as a church building consultant for the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA while in Phoenix. Carol did her internship and a chaplaincy residency while in New York City. Carol retired in August of 2018 from the…
The well-known parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) touches us and teaches us every time we hear it. After a priest and a Levite each pass by a man laying on the road, beaten and half dead, a Samaritan stopped and showed the man mercy. There are many challenges in this parable. The lawyer challenged…
On this 4th Sunday after Pentecost, Pastor Eric preached from a rocking chair to illustrate a loving parent, nurturing and fiercely protecting their child. In this same way, from birth we are comforted and protected by God. We are sure of that because He writes our name in heaven. In today’s gospel from Luke 10:1-11,…
Today was the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost. The Gospel of Luke, 9:51-62, reminds us– Jesus is unwavering in his commitment to his mission in Jerusalem. He calls his disciples to a similar single-mindedness. Today at St Mark, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of our community garden during Children’s Time and after worship at a special…
Pastor Beth began today’s sermon by asking the question, What is it that keeps you from living life fully, knowing you are a loved and forgiven child of God? Is it self-doubt? Something you’ve done…or didn’t do? Is it health issues? Addictions? Stress of relationships, work or finances? Maybe you have questions about God, religion,…
In the Gospel (John 16:12-15), Jesus says, “When the spirit comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will glorify me because he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” He explained to his disciples that God’s Son had entered the world to reside in one body. He was leaving earth…
Pentecost is a day of promises fulfilled. The promised Spirit of God is poured out. Pastor Beth painted, while Pastor Eric preached. Everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved. The gentle, breezy, gusty Spirit of God will descend on us. There are three things that the Spirit reminds us: 1. Who we are.…
The Congre-gation is invited to a 10th Anniversary celebration, luncheon, and garden blessing for the St. Mark Community Garden June 30th immediately following the 10am Worship service. A delicious lunch prepared by the Community Garden volunteers will be served during a brief program outlining the garden’s history and evolution into one of the largest fresh…