Blog (Page 41)

Reformation Sunday

By the end of the 17th century, many Lutheran churches celebrated a festival commemorating Martin Luther’s posting of the Ninety-five Theses, a summary of abuses in the church of his time.  At the heart of the reform movement was the gospel, the good news that it is by grace through faith that we are justified…

Pray Always

A man asked God if he could ask a question. Your ways, your timing are not always ours so what is a million years to you? God thought about it and answered, ‘It’s about a second in your time’. What’s a million dollars?  God answered, ‘About a penny’. The man then asked God if he…

Turn Back with Thanks

The Gospel reading for today, Luke 17:11-19, portrays Jesus cleansing ten lepers and only one returning to give thanks. This one, a Samaritan, became a model for what it looks like to praise and worship God. Everyone needs mercy and healing at one time or another. In his sermon, Pastor Eric reminded us that when…

Blessing of the Animals 2019 Invitation

Baa! Moo! Woof! Neigh! Meow! In pet language, that means, “Please bring me to church with you on Sunday, October 13th.” Why? We will celebrate St. Francis with the blessing of all creation and our animals at both services.  Large animals (horses, cows, etc.) will be blessed between services in the church parking lot. Please…

The Size of Our Faith

How does a seed know what it is supposed to do when it is planted? Through God, the seed knows what to do. Regardless of size, the seed will make an impact, because it will grow as God would have it grow. Likewise, God created us as He wanted us, planted us where He wanted…

New Members Jan and Jim Bruns

The Bruns hail from Minnesota; Jan from Minneapolis and Jim from Pipestone. While living in that area, they attended a church in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. After leaving Minnesota, the Bruns spent 33 years in Alaska. They recently moved to Olympia to be closer to their son. Jim retired in 2001 after 35 years…

We Are Made Worthy

Today’s Gospel from Luke 16 is a “heavy text”.  In this parable, Jesus tells of the poor man who is carried up by angels to be with Abraham, contrasted with the rich man who was sent to be tormented in Hades. Abraham responded to the rich man’s pleas for mercy by reminding him he received…

Managing God’s Wealth

It is said, “Apart from the generosity of God, we have nothing. By God’s gracious favor, we have everything we need.” In other words, we are managers of God’s wealth. In today’s Gospel, Luke 16:1-13, Jesus tells the parable of the rich man whose manager “squanders his property”. When the manager is at risk of…