The attached letter from ELCA Southwest Washington Synod Bishop Rich Jaech gives some insightful thoughts for people to consider as they think about racism in the current crisis.
Our God is Three is One. Our God is one in Three! Today we celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity–of who God is for us, with us, and around us. God loves and is present in so many ways. Today’s service includes messages by ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. The grace of our Lord…
On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We give thanks for the way the Spirit moves in and through us–and even in spite of us! This is timely as we seek to live as people of faith during a divisive, charged, and challenging time. Our hurting world needs the…
Welcome to worship! This morning we celebrate Ascension Sunday. The Gospel of Luke tells the story of Jesus blessing his followers and ascending into heaven. We give thanks to God for Jesus who reigns in love forever and ever.
Welcome to the Worshipful Experience for Sunday, May 17, 2020! We hear Peter’s reminder to be ready to testify to the hope that is ours and Jesus’ promise of an Advocate. We give thanks and praise to God who promises to be with us always.
During this morning’s Worshipful Experience we hear God’s promise to dwell with us and make a home with us and in us. We seek to live out this blessing as we love one another.
The Fourth Sunday of Easter is known as “Good Shepherd” Sunday. In the Gospel today, we hear Jesus speak about himself as the gate to abundant life with God–not to keep people out, but to provide a way where there seems to be none. Jesus says he is the shepherd who leads and guides his…
Welcome to the Worshipful Experience for Sunday, April 26, 2020! This Sunday we are blessed to have as our guest preacher Pastor Rebecca Shjerven, Bishop’s Associate for the Southwest Washington Synod. Also featured in worship today is PraisRing, our handbell choir, and Children’s Time. Be thinking about three things for which you are thankful! We…
Click on the video below for a message especially for the younger ones at St. Mark. Even the not so young might appreciate hearing Pastor Beth’s words and the story (written in Dr. Seuss fashion) by Nora Unrath, “How COVID-19 Stole Easter.” God bless you!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Jesus appears to his disciples who are sequestered in fear in a locked home. Jesus promises to come to us today even in the midst of our fear and uncertainty. Many thanks to our Synodical Bishop Rick Jaech and Bishop’s Assistant Rebecca Schjerven for leading us in worship…