Welcome to worship on this 10th Sunday of Pentecost! We give thanks for the beauty of creation, the joy of music, and the blessing of God’s word.
Welcome to worship for the 9th Sunday of Pentecost! We are blessed to share in the gift of Holy Baptism for a “New Kid in Our Family.” As we worship and hear the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, we pray you are fed and nourished for a life of loving service in the name…
Welcome to worship on the 8th Sunday after Pentecost! This morning we hear a series of Jesus’ parables describing what the Kingdom or Reign of God is like. We are blessed with wonderful music from Terry, John, and Eric, Children’s Time with Pastor Beth,and Pastor Rebecca Schjerven, Assistant to the Bishop, as our guest preacher. …
Martin Luther had considerable things to say about pandemics and politics during his career. Watch these two videos given by Dr. Samuel Torvend, PhD, from Pacific Lutheran University to learn what Luther had to say about these now very current topics. Note that each video consists of five parts and that automatic jumps occur between…
In Dec 2017, video recordings were made at both services of Pastor Beth doing a pottery wheel demonstration for kid’s time. Only one of those recordings was ever published on this website. This week seems as good a time as any to finally publish the other video. Its a fun kids time video to watch.…
Welcome to worship this Sixth Sunday of Pentecost! Today we hear the Parable of the Sower and Jesus tells us to “Listen.” We listen to the words of Christ as he sows seeds of faith, hope and love in our lives. God bless you!
Welcome to worship this morning! Today Jesus invites us to rest in him. God bless you on this day with rest in the name of Christ.
Dear friends, Welcome to worship today! It is good to be together as the people of God. This morning we are blessed to hear our very own Bishop Richard Jaech preach about what it means to welcome one another in the name of Christ. Pastor Beth shares one of her favorite books, “God’s Dream” during…
Welcome to worship on this Third Sunday of Pentecost! We are thankful you are here! This morning’s scripture lessons remind us–it is not easy to follow Jesus. Yet, we remember God is with us and gives us what we need to live faithful lives. Thanks be to God!
In this mornings Gospel, Jesus sends out his disciples. Just as they are sent out, we are sent to share God’s love in our world today. God bless you as you proclaim the good news that “The reign of God is near” by your very lives.